Only Wanting You

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She shouldn't have read it, and she knows it.

Except, the title was so eye-catching that she really had no choice but to press her thumb on the screen and open the link to the gossip magazine.


Despite the fact that the two stars have ended their relationship in 2016 and Harry is now in a relationship with Y/N Y/L/N, a normal girl, we all know that he and Kendall are still in contact.

You may wonder: How do we know? Well, here is the answer:

And Y/N instantly regretted opening that fucking link.

The bile rose to her throat as a horrible tickle ran through her stomach when she saw a photo of the two of them, in a cafeteria, talking as if they were not two of the best-known stars of the world.

She didn't give a shit that they were talking, she didn't mind if they wanted to be friends, it was something else that bothered her.

Harry had lied to her.

She remembers the day he wore those clothes, it was last week, he had left saying that Anne was waiting for him for lunch, but it turns out that it was actually her.

She never liked Kendall, for many things she had done, but Harry was a big man and he knew where he was getting.

But if there was one thing that Y/N couldn't stand, it was lies.

She threw her phone on the couch angrily, covering her face with her fists trying to block the tears of frustration, but they inevitably started to fall, which started uncontrolled sobs coming from her.

Why had he lied to her? Why Kendall? Why hadn't he told her the truth? Did he no longer love her? Or is it that she wasn't beautiful enough to go out with him?

Hyperventilating and tears running down her cheeks to her (Harry's) shirt, she picked up the phone again.


She was so... perfect.

With a sculpted face and body, she was everything Y/N had dreamed of being as a teenager. And she was happy with who she was and how her body was, really! But she wishes she were more like Kendall, so maybe Harry would be with her now and not who knows where.


Y/N couldn't stop, so focused on the photos of them together on the boat that she didn't hear the front door open and her boyfriend's footsteps approaching her.

"Baby, hi. Missed yeh." He smiled when he saw her, but he was serious again when he saw her sad face while looking at the phone, not even looking up to greet him. "Wha's wrong?"

She didn't answer, running her fingers through the photos as tears continued to fall down, she only felt his footsteps behind her so he could see the screen.

"Y/N, why are you looking at that?" He sat next to her, searching for a coherent explanation.

"Why not?" She replied, acid present in her voice. "After all, you didn't go to lunch with your mom."

Harry swallowed dry and felt sick to his stomach, thinking he had really screwed up. And he did.

"Love, it's not what you think." He started, and she rolled her eyes at the cliche phrase. "I promise."

"Harry, I don't care that you went out for fucking coffee with your ex, what I care about is that you lied to me." Y/N looked into his eyes, contrasting between her reds and his green ones. "Do you know how painful it's for me that you lie to go with her?"

He felt like he could throw up hearing the pain in his love's voice, and he knew where this conversation was going.

"She's everything I'm not, Harry." She sobbed. "Why did you do it?"

"Angel, hey, listen to me." He moved closer and wrapped his arms around her. "She only asked me for tickets to one of my concerts for a friend of hers."

"And you had to do it secretly?"

"Sorry about that, really. I didn't know how you were going to react, I know she's not your favorite person in the world." He sighed. "Please don't ever feel that way about yourself again, you're the most beautiful person in the whole world. I only want you, with everything you have, and with everything you are. You're my only thought at all hours, and my heart is yours forever, my love."

She sobbed, snuggling into his arms as the fear she felt faded, thinking that he really wanted her, only her.

"M'sorry, pet. I love you, please stop crying."

Y/N pulled away from him so she could look him in the eyes.

"I love you too." She sniffed. "But if you lie to me again you'll see."

"I wouldn't dream of it in a million years."

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