Hands Off

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From backstage you could hear the screams and cheers of the fans. The boys were currently in their dressing rooms getting last minute things fixed.

"How do I look, love?" Harry, your boyfriend, asked as he stood in front of you modeling his outfit.

He was dressed in a silky button down that had a fair amount of buttons undone and black jeans with his Chelsea boots. Necklaces hung from his neck and rested against his chest where his swallow tattoo peaked from the collar of his shirt.

You tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear and tilt your head at him.

"Absolutely gorgeous, darling." You sayin a fake posh accent while flicking your hair to the side. The action causes Harry to chuckle and shake his head.

"I love you, but the accent is rubbish." He brought you towards him by wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You giggled and wrap your arms around his torso. The boys are currently on their On The Road Again tour. Since you were in Uni, you couldn't tour with the boys, much to Harry's dismay. Tonight was one of those nights where you would fly out to where they were and would stay with them a few days.

"Ye gonna be okay with Mum and Gemma?" He quietly asked as he rested his chin on your head.

"Yeah, I'll be alright. We all flew out here together, Har." You reassure him pecking his chin.

"I'm jus making sure." He hummed as he continued to hold you until Paul told them it was showtime.

The boys were given their ear pieces before they were called to the stage. You stood by the side with Lou, Gemma, and Anne as the boys did their little chant. When they clapped they moved towards the stairs that led to the stage.

"Goodluck guys! Break a leg!" You yell after them. A chorus of "thank yous" came from the boys except Niall who yelled, "Wait don't say that I have weak knees!"

"Goodluck Niall!" You laugh as he sends a thumbs up towards your way. Harry rushes down the stairs calling you. You meet him halfway, "What? The show—."

You're cut off by Harry smashing his lips onto yours. You're caught off guard but come back to your senses to kiss him back. He pulls away with a smack as he runs his thumb past your bottom lip.

"I needed my goodluck kiss." He cheekily smiled before catching up with the boys at the top of the platform.


The boys were now halfway into the concert. The fans were loud, singing along to the songs, and laughing at the boys' antics on stage. You were watching by the side with Lou, Lux, Gemma, and Anne. A few fans noticed you guys causing you all to wave. Lux, who was in your arms waved at them as well. The area you guys were at had a good view of the stage and security nearby.

"It's uncle Louis!" Lux pointed as she tapped your shoulder. Louis made a silly face at her before running off in another direction. You laughed as your eyes moved around the venue. A few feet away from you was a guard, he must've worked for the arena because you didn't recognize him. For the whole first half of the concert you could feel his eyes on you instead of doing his job. You tried to avoid his stare, moving to the side, sticking next to Gemma and Lou, even shamelessly hid behind Lux while you carried her. But his eyes would always catch you.

"I think Lux and I are going to move backstage to watch, it's too loud here and I don't want her to go deaf." Lou said as held her hands up for Lux. You passed her baby to her and remained beside Gemma.

"I think I'm gonna tag along with them, you girls gonna be alright?" Anne questioned as she moved to follow Lou.

"Yeah, we'll be fine!" Gemma answered for the both of you.

The boys moved to sit on the center of the walkway, preparing to sing Little Things. Harry searched the crowd for you and his sister. When he spotted you both he waved, putting on a little show that made the crowd giggle.

"What a clown." Gemma snorted as she nudged your shoulder. You chuckled at her comment.

"Unfortunately he's our clown."


While the boys sang Little Things you felt a presence beside you. You thought it was Anne joining you and Gemma again but it turned out to be the security guard who kept staring at you. You visibly move closer to Gemma trying to listen to the boys sing.

"What do you say we sneak backstage and fool around a bit?" He whispered into your ear invading your personal space.

"I'm not interested." You quickly shoot him down. The guy tisked and leaned against the barricade.

"C'mon baby, I know you're bored watching a bunch of lil boys playing around on stage." He tried to coax you as he ran a finger along your arm.

"I already told you I'm not interested. I have a boyfriend." You snapped at him before yanking your arm away from him.

From the stage Zayn and Liam noticed the altercation. Still singing, Liam roughly nudged Harry while Zayn moved towards the part of the stage nearest to you. Harry looked to where Liam was pointing at. An irritated look was on your face as the guy wrapped his disgusting arm around you. Harry saw you push on the guy's chest but he still wouldn't budge. Gemma now noticed what was happening and was trying to tell the guy to fuck off.

"OI! GET YER HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!" Harry yelled as he ran to where Zayn was. The guard who was harassing you jumped as he looked towards the stage. Above him was Zayn and Harry challenging looks on both their faces.

"Has your mother not taught you any manners? Did she ever tell you not to touch a woman without permission?" Harry's voice boomed in the mic as he moved to jump off the stage. Harry gripped the guard's arm and ripped it off your body. Security had now moved to where you were and took the guard who was harassing you.

Harry glared at him as they took him away. He turned back to you, his eyes softening at the sight of you.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Harry questioned you as he inspected your body as best as he can in the dim arena. The boys were now concerned as they stood near the side of the stage where you all were gathered. The fans were now curious to what was happening.

"I'm fine, Harry, he didn't do anything. I told him I wasn't interested and—." You tried to explain but Harry cut you off.

"No, you don't need to explain yerself. You told him to fuck off and he wouldn't, he came onto you." Harry reassured you as he smoothed his hands across your arms in comfort. You look around the see everyone looking at you guys.

"Get back on stage. I'll head backstage where Lou and your mom are." You tell him before pressing a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you sure you're fine?" He asked again staring into your eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine. Now go back on stage before the fans get upset." You tell him before pushing him towards the stage.

"They could wait, but if you say so." He mumbled.

"I love you." He kissed your temple before motioning Gemma to go with you. She nodded and looped her arm with yours.

"Love you too, Haz." You tell him before walking backstage.

"Can you escort them backstage, please?" Harry asks a security guard. The guard nods and follows you and Gemma.

The boys help Harry back up the stage before asking if everything was alright. Harry quickly explained what happened before resuming the concert.

"Sorry about that everyone! Just a reminder to my girls here tonight. Your body is yours and no one should feel the need to touch your body without your permission! You get a say in who touches you and who doesn't, remember that!" Harry announced to the audience. The crowd cheered in praise and agreement.

The boys nodded along before getting back to their spots.

"Someone's getting fired tonight!" Louis sang as he danced in his seat making the crowd laugh.

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