Designated Driver

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Harry couldn't take his eyes off her as her body moved to the beat of the music and her skin glowed technicolour under the pulsing lights of the club. His best friend radiated so much joy, and on her birthday night out, surrounded by their mutual friend group and a few others of Y/N's circle, the positive energy that seeped from her pores seemed to affect everyone's mood in the room and brought the energy to the party, it really was hard to look away. Harry had been nursing glasses of water all night, taking it upon himself to be Y/N's designated driver, not that he minded, no not at all. He was looking forward to their drive home later. Harry and Y/N had known each other for about 4 years and quickly fallen into step as each other's best friend, they would do anything and drop everything in a heartbeat if the other one needed them to. So yeah, a little one on one time with his best friend after her being stolen away by their mutual friends for the evening was exactly what he needed. Y/N with a few drinks in her was one of Harry's favourite versions of her too, she would get all flushed and giggly and spoke whatever came to mind with no qualms about if it made sense or not and the idea of Harry getting to spend the car ride back with her like that had him ready to ask her to go home now. In fact, scratch that, that wasn't his favourite version of Y/N, every version of her was his favourite, even when she was upset or annoyed at him and would get all mouthy towards him, he was obsessed with every version of her. That's the thing about Harry, he was completely and irrevocably in love with her, smitten, infatuated, head over heels whatever you want to call it, and Y/N? Well, she was blissfully unaware that her best friend was pining after her.

"Another one for the birthday girl!" Sarah proclaimed dancing up to Y/N with another margarita in her hand.

"AH! Miss Jones you are a saint," Y/N called over the blaring music as she took a sip out of the glass, "and a bad influence," she said into Sarah's ear gripping onto the woman's forearm with her spare hand to keep her balance as she leaned in placing a kiss on Sarah's cheek in thanks before tipping her head back in a loud laugh and continuing to sway her hips to the music and take sips from her fresh margarita, the salt residue and sourness of the lime making her lick her lips after each swallow.

It was the unmistakeable opening line of the next song that snapped Y/N out of her reverie.

'It's Britney Bitch' rang out around the club and Y/N shrieked in joy, downing the remainder of her drink whipping her head round to catch Harry leaning against the bar behind her, watching, with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Dancefloor, now, Styles," Y/N demanded setting her glass down on the bar top next to his arm that was keeping him propped up. Before Harry even had a chance to open his mouth, she had grabbed him by the hand pulling him into her on the dancefloor that had turned slightly sticky due to spilled drinks.

With her hands high in the air above her head, her hips moving and her eyes slightly manic from the excitement as she looked at him, she asked him, "you weren't going to leave me hangin' were you, H? I mean it's our song!" It's true they had connected over a mutual admiration over Britney Spears, amongst other things.

"It's our two songs actually," he smirked at her as he bopped side to side in time with her admiring how the slight sheen of sweat gathering over her from all her dancing, made her skin look like it was glittering under the lights.

"What d'ya mean?" Y/N asked narrowing her eyes at her best friend with a radiant smile still gracing her lips.

"Just you wait, angel, I might've put in a little request with the DJ," Harry said as he danced closer to her.

Then she heard it, Britney's Gimme More mixing into another one of her and Harry's joint songs, Gimme Gimme Gimme by ABBA.

"No fucking WAY!" Y/N exclaimed her arms crashing down around Harry's neck pulling him against her front, their hips moving in perfect sync with each other.

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