Calm Down

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It had been another long day for Harry at studio and he had an interview to attend as soon as he was done. "I'm tired, love. Would it be horrible for me to skip out on the interview." Harry rests his head on your shoulder as the car whists past buildings.

"Well considering this is about the album you want to promote, I would say skipping wouldn't be the best idea." You chuckled. "Sorry babe."

Well it shouldn't be too long of an interview, then we can go home and relax."

"Sounds good to me." You smiled.

The car came to a stop, luckily the street was quiet so we didn't have to worry about fans or paparazzi as we climbed out of the car and walked into the building. Harry held your hand as you walked up the stairs into the room where a tight lipped blonde woman rose from a chair to shake Harry's hand. "Good morning Mr. Styles, how are you doing today?"

Harry's hand released yours as he shook the woman's hand. "Just Harry please. I'm doing well, how are you?"

You moved to a quiet corner in the room as Harry and the woman sat in the charts across from each other. "So I wanted to start with a question about the album. What do you think inspired the songs for this album, and why have you chosen these songs?"

"Well a lot of it comes from personal experience and the people around me. The songs that were chosen to be on the album were picked because I feel that they spoke more truly to what I've experienced recently"

"A lot of the songs on your album have to do with romance. I have to ask, do you have someone special in your life."

"No, don't go into personal questions, let us keep our private life." I thought. Harry hates when interviews get too personal.

"Urm, do you mind if we stick to questions about the album please?" Harry asked, very politely.

"We can go back to those in a moment. Now, you did bring someone here with you, didn't you?" She pressed.

"Yes but that doesn't mean I need to talk to you about her."

"Of course not. Are you two serious or more open about your relationship?" She crossed her legs and leaned forward.

"If you have any questions about the music, I'd be happy to answer those." Harry was becoming more agitated.

"In a moment. Are the songs about your friend over there?" She nodded toward you in the corner. "I have to say she impresses me that she could catch someone like you, Harry. How did you two meet."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I just mean that you are so talented and famous, and she seems so simple and," She hesitated "down to earth." She smiled too sweetly at you.

"Alright, this is over. You have no right to ask personal questions about my life or the lives of anyone around me. Feel free to publish anything about the album you'd like, but I suggest you scrap the rest of this interview." Harry stood up abruptly, stamped over to you, grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room.

"Harry, slow down. You don't have to be upset. Interviewers don't know when to stop, that's what they're trained for." You felt he could have pulled your arm off they way he was pulling you behind him.

"Let's just go home. Please." He said curtly, opening your door and tapping his foot as you got in.

Harry was silent the whole way home. He was pissed. He hated when interviewers got too personal, which happened all too often. You weren't going to try to talk to him until you were home where you could get him to relax. He sat popping his leg up and down.

"Harry, listen, just take a breath. The lady was a bitch, don't let it ruin our afternoon." You said as the door to your home shut behind you.

"I'm not letting it ruin anything! She had no right to ask those questions and say those things about you! Why can't these people stay out of our personal lives?" He was pacing back and forth, waving his arms as he talked.

"Calm down." You walked to him and stopped him in his path, rubbing his arms. "I don't care what that woman has to say, or anyone else for that matter. You and I are what matters. I only care that we have each other to lean on. I know you hate when this happens, but lean on me. They can say what they want, it doesn't make a difference to us, because we are the ones who know. We are the only one's who can truly know what is between us."

"Well I can't argue with that." You saw him soften and he leaned into you, wrapping his arms around you. "You really know how to calm somebody down, huh?"

"One of my many talents." You smiled triumphantly, leaning up to kiss him.

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