Is She An Actress?

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Every star loves being dressed in a masterpiece designed by one the world's top fashion designers. She, Y/n Y/l/n, is loved by millions, either that be by celebrities or other fellow designers or her own fandom. Even the other bigger designers love her -and the smaller or new ones look at her like inspiration- and so does James Cordon. He remembers meeting her through Gigi Hadid, who talked about y/n during her time on the show.

"I love her, like she's literally the coolest person out there and I love love love wearing clothes designed by her. I honestly was not expecting her to ask me to wear one of her favourites and that's how the video of me fawning over the dress I was wearing, on the runway for Gucci, got viral"

Her self is now known as the 'current top creative designer for Gucci'. Hard work pays off real good, eh.

It took just one plead by James for Y/n to come to his show and play "Spill your Guts or Fill Your Guts" with his other friend, Harry Styles.

Sitting down Y/n complimented Harry, having seen him before but not the chance to talk to him by any luck, though today was different. "I love your eyes" was the first thing that came out of her mouth other than the 'thank yous' to the audience and James. Well she immediately received an flirtatious  "you can have 'em", back by one the world's top male models, Harry Styles.

Planning on playing along she said, "I already do" as her reply. The crowed ooh-ed but wildly whistled when Harry came back with "ah shit...well, your kids can have them". Not really having nothing left to say she was about to quit,  "Well-", when James cut her off "Let's begin with the game!" with his voice pitched high.

"Harry, you've played this game once already and y/n hasn't, while I've played it countless times. So without me further trying to chicken out of this game, let's begin". 

"Thank you for saving my arse" she pretended whisper, knowing well that she's mic-ed as he put the table in slight Motion.  "Anytime, sistah" James said, copying her position and clearing his throat while sitting straight. Making the crowd laugh, and that's what all three of them are here for....well at least 50%. 

"Okay, Y/n. Harry recently wore the coats designed by you for Gucci on runway, which piece did you like the most on him?" James asked the question which got the honor to be the first one. She did flush but very little and it was disguised by her artificial peach blush, not strong enough to hide from Harry's eyes though.  

This time, the models were less as many of them were back at home and also because this runway wasn't exactly planned and they needed the ones who can walk anytime asked to.

Hence why Harry and probably 8 other models slowly walked one round, went back to quickly change and came back out for another walk, trying their best to not get over whelmed.

"uhh...I think..I think the black one, with the furs on the arms" she said, audience cheering and laughing when Harry wiggled his eyebrows smugly at her. "What? It looked good." she continued, trying to act like it wasn't that big of a deal -which it actually wasn't- except to Harry.

"Your turn" James motioned towards her and she picked up her card, only to devilishly let out a 'ha-ha-haa' at which the audience again laughed. "Phew, okay. So Harry, in the song Kiwi, there's a lyric which says 'in a black dress, she's such an actress', who is the lyric about?" and ended the question with a cheer along the audience.

"I would rather have this delicious smoothie" he sighed dramatically, knowing well that he could've answered the question but they weren't ready to go public -yet.

Everyone thought that the lyric is about some Actress who wore a black dress and whom Harry also happened to fancy. The profit was that, no one guessed that It would be about a designer who happened to be Y/n who also said 'I don't know much about him, but looks like he's an amazing person' in her BBC interview in 2015 -wearing a black mid thigh ending loose from shoulders but fitting at hip dress- when Harry was wearing her design for the first time, on the red carpet, also when they were to be celebrating their 1 year anniversary, the next week.

The one and only mantra she needed to remember was 'I don't know him, he's just worn my designs", for any show she had to go to and this one, was no different.

The rest of the show went by with Harry drinking the salmon smoothie, James eating the scorpian when asked 'Tell us about the weirdest couple you've had on this show' and Y/n eating the bull penis when asked 'Are you in love?'.

In love? She fell head over heels in love with the man sitting in front of her, falls every single day for him and has been in love with him since 2015. She knew she confessed that she's in love by eating that shit, but she doubts she didn't give away everything when she looked at him while eating it.

"Thank you everyone for joining us tonight! and also, can you two take your eyes off of each other now?" James announced the end and finally poked out what he's been noticing since the start. His old self had sensed the love birds in the room, still he didn't asked them, knowing they will come out when they would want to.

As soon as she was inside her dressing room, James was Inside Harry's arse, asking what does he thinks about her and getting a reply of 'well, she is amazing" by Harry.

"I wonder what made you think I'm dumb enough to believe that you too aren't already together" he told Harry once again before getting out of the hall and Harry's arse.

And well Harry was too busy thinking about the way she looked at him while eating the 'food' to even notice her coming towards him, though he did when she very lightly nipped at his neck from behind -sending chills down his spine-.

Both of them weren't exactly expecting an article saying "ARE THE RUMOURS ABOUT HARRY STYLES AND Y/N Y/L/N TRUE? FIND OUT HERE!", the next morning and that's exactly when people noticed there's some thing fishy. And both the morons knew that they won't be coming out any time soon, now that the fans are suspicious.

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