Golden Music Video

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

"Oh God. Here we go." You said, feeling your stomach flip with excitement.

Finally Golden's video was here. Harry had tried to tell you the day it was going out, but you had decided to wait like the fan you are.

The melody of one of your favorite songs began to play, and the yellow letters with the name of the song appeared on the screen. You gasped in excitement.

"Yeah!" You screamed when your boyfriend appeared on the screen, running. "Tararara, ta tararara" you danced.

You bit your lip, feeling your eyes water to see how beautiful Harry was dressed, whether in his blue suit or his white outfit, He looked stunning.

His hair that you loved so much was perfectly styled and shiny, and you laugh as you remember how you cried when he cut it for the movie.

"You're so Golden!" You sang, dancing on your couch. "Fuck! How can he be this beautiful?" you sobbed.

Tears began to slide down your cheeks when you saw him in a bathing suit, with his beautiful curls and his tattoos that you love so much. You really are lucky.

You wish Harry was here by your side, hugging you and blowing kisses all over your face, but he can't.

As you see him happy singing, you remember how it all started.

"H, I have to tell you something." You played with your fingers, avoiding his gaze. "Promise you won't get mad."

"What happened, beautiful?" He sat next to you, and you raised your head to look at him. "I promise."

His curls were all over his boyish face, his green eyes were bright to see you, and his eyebrows were furrowed in concern.

"I... signed you up for The X Factor." You say quickly, biting your lip. "They'll call you."

"What? That's fantastic, baby!" He laughs excitedly. "I can't believe it, thank you!"

"I just want you to do what makes you happy, love." You say, hugging his little body.

"And when I'm on stage, I'll look for what makes me happy the most." He whispers on your neck. "You."

Ten years later, you had seen him travel all over the world, before accompanied by his four best friends, now just you and him.

At this point you were already a bunch of tears, seeing him with his yellow cap and smiling when he climbed on the hood of a car to greet the people inside.

God, how you loved him.

Your cell phone rang under your cat, and you gently moved it to take the object, smiling when you saw who it was.

"Hello, H." You sobbed, calling him by that nickname that never grew old between the two of you.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" He answered instantly, his joy being replaced by fear that something had happened to you. "Didn't you like the video?"

"It's not that! I loved it. Absolutely beautiful." You sighed "I'm so proud of you, I love you."

"Oh, love. I'm glad you liked it, and I love you even more." Harry sighed in relief. "My beautiful girl."

"I miss you so much, I wish I had you by my side right now." You sobbed. "Is it selfish of me to want you to come back even though you're making your dream come true?"

He bit his lip and closed his eyes tightly, trying to bear the urge to tell her the truth.

"My dream is not real if you are not here." He muttered. "You're my dream."


"Everything you've done for me, there are no words to describe how grateful I am." He felt tears sting his eyes, but tried to focus on the road. "You were the one who signed me up for The X Factor, Y/N I would be nothing without you."

"Well I signed you up, but you did all the work." The both of you laughed through tears. "I love the video, Harry, seriously."

"It's fo' you, angel. You're the reason that song exists, you are the reason for everything."

"Is it long before you come back?" You asked, petting your pet.

The singer sighed again, seeing the familiar streets in front of him.

"I don't know, maybe two or three weeks? Maybe more."

You sobbed again, feeling the hot liquid fall down your cheeks, many months locked together by quarantine, and suddenly three more weeks without seeing him were killing you.

Harry smiled when he saw the house so recognizable, and parked the car trying to make as little noise as possible.

"I have to go, love. I have a scene with Florence."

"Oh... okay, good luck, I love you." You said sad, your fiancé's heart ached when he heard you, but he knows that in a minute everything will get better.

"I love you more, babe." He wiped the tears from her cheeks as he walked in front of the white door. "Oh, by the way. Open the door."

"What?" You said confused, getting up from the sofa to walk uncertainly towards the door. "What are you up to, Styles?"

"Just open the fucking door!" He said, excited.

The instant you opened the door, the tears that had disappeared fell again, this time more.

He was here.

"Holy fuck, Harry." You said, sobbing.

"Come to me, angel." He replied, opening his arms.

You threw yourself on him, wrapping your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck, leaving millions of kisses on every part of his perfect face.

"Ten minutes ago I was watching you on TV, and now you're here." You said with your face on his neck, inhaling his Tom Ford fragrance that you love so much.

"All for you." Harry said, feeling his heart pounding at having the love of his life in his arms again.

God, more than ten years later he still felt his hands sweat when he saw you, and his heart wanted to leave his chest. You were for him, and he was for you, he knew it the day he saw you for the first time.

"What happened that you're here so early?" You asked once you got off him, but you didn't let him go on the way to the living room, where he sat on the couch with you.

"Hello, baby." He kissed his cat numerous times, and put his green orbs back on you. "There was a positive on the set, the recording was paused."

"Ah, honey, it's a shame." You stroked his completely shaved cheek, and he leaned in to the touch.

"Yes, it's sad, but now I am here with you." He kissed your lips. "Every time I see you, you look more beautiful."

"Shut up." You said, blushing. "I'm glad you're here, now we can watch the video together."

"We can do whatever you want, Y/N."

You got even closer to him and sat on his lap, hugging him tightly, thinking that you can't love him more than you already do.

"Thanks for coming home." You said, hugging his huge body.

"Thank you for being my home."

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