Playing Games

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"Alright, your turn, babe." Mitch asys to Sarah, prompting her to ask the next question from his seat next to her.

You and your friends were all together at your and your roomate, Azariah's place, playing a game of truth or drink. Azariah was your childhood best friend. You introduced them to everyone else as soon as they became your friends, and they've grown to love Azariah just as much as you did.

"Okay...when was the last time you guys had sex?" Sarah asks with a smirk. "Oh my God." You giggle, with roll of your eyes at the classic question. "This is the most basic truth or drink question." Harry says, causing everyone to laugh in agreement. "like a month ago." Azariah says nonchalantly. Mitch answers, "three days ago", in the same monotonous tone Azariah's voice held.

"Two days ago." Harry says confidently. You feel your face heat up, thinking back to that night.

You remember the way he caressed you, and kissed you, and showed love to every inch of your body. You remember the breathy moans be let out. You remember the way he gazed into your eyes in complete adoration.

You force yourself out of your own thoughts, downing the shot without hesitation, not wanting anyone to suspect that you and harry had had sex from the fact that you both have the same answer.

You see Harry smirking at you from the corner of your eye, getting a fuzzy feeling in your stomach, but ignoring it.

"Whoa, Harry. What do you have going on?" Mitch teases. Harry just laughs along, completely skipping over the fact that he was asked a question.

you feel him extend his arm out on the headrest of the couch behind you. You feel this sudden rush of adrenaline that you can't explain. Every little thing he does makes you feel some type of way that you don't even know how to explain. He makes you feel like you don't even know your name.

You know he likes you. And you like him too. He's mentioned a couple times before how he thinks you guys should start dating. But you always shoot him down, and pretend that what you and Harry have just meaningless sex. You don't need a relationship. You don't need to let someone into your heart, just to have it broken again.

seven months prior:

"Y/N, I'm going to the bathroom, i'll be right back." Cameron says, getting up from the couch. "Okay, do you want me to pause the movie?" You ask. "Nah you don't have to. I'm not really watching it anyways." He says dryly, heading to the bathroom, not even noticing the way your face falls.

You feel your heart sink. He never seems to care about anything that has something to do with you anymore. He's always on his phone, laughing at things and replying "nothing" when you ask what he's laughing at. He's never calls you baby anymore. He doesn't even listen to you when you're talking. He's always focused on something else. You were supposed to have a movie night tonight and he's not even watching the movie. Hell, he's not even talking to you. He's on his fucking phone. You feel like you're the only one in this relationship.

You're distracted from the movie playing in front of you when he receives a text. You look over at his phone that happens to be facing up. The text says "wyd" and the contact name is "Alexis." Your mind fills with questions. Who the hell is Alexis, and why does she care what your boyfriend is doing at 10:36 pm?

You've never wanted to be that girlfriend that went through their boyfriend's phone, but in this situation you feel like you have no choice. You unlock his phone easily, going straight to his text messages with Alexis.

You see a text message from a couple days ago.

Alexis: Omg is she gone?

Cameron: No not yet. Just wait a little bit longer.

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