Steal My Girl

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"Jesus, Harry. Will you stay still?" You asked your boyfriend for the tenth time this morning.

You were on the set for the boys' "Steal My Girl" music video working as their make-up artist and as Harry's girlfriend (yeah you read that right, being with the boy could be a hassle sometimes). Lou was currently touching up Liam's hair while you were touching up Harry's makeup.

"I'm sorry, the brush just tickles my face." Your boyfriend whines. "What brush are you using anyway?" Harry asks as he moves his face to inspect the brush.

"The one from Anastasia, why?" You answer checking the brush. Harry grimaced at the brush in your hand before moving away.

"That's the prickly one!" He complained. You rolled your eyes and placed the brush down, moving on to powder his face. Harry noticed you picking up the fluffy brush.

"Oh, I like that brush, it's very soft." He mused before closing his eyes, allowing you to swipe the brush against his face. Liam who was sat beside Harry laughed.

"Mate, they're bloody brushes." Harry glared at his friend.

"My face is sensitive." He defended himself as he got up from the makeup chair. He fixed the jacket he wore for the music video and fluffed his hair. Niall, who's been waiting for Harry to finish with makeup, gently shoved him over.

"Such a diva." He muttered jokingly. Niall settled into the chair and moved Harry to see himself in the mirror. "It's my turn to get my makeup done, move."

Harry turned to you, "And I'm the diva?"

You stared at him before answering, "You complained about the makeup brush I was using for a good three minutes."

Lou, the boys, and the rest of the crew in the makeup tent laughed. You sent a teasing smile at your boyfriend, blowing a kiss at him when he turned to leave the tent.

You stood by on set as the boys filmed the music video. You were under an umbrella sitting next to Lou as a giant fan blew towards you guys. You laughed as the boys did their scenes with Danny DeVito. The set was quite strange in a way. Usually when the boys did music videos there would be some kind of theme, but this one was just random. There was a giant cage, a bunch of band members, ballerinas, Sumo wrestlers, lots of silver balls, and buckets of paint. Those were to just name a few. You were pretty sure you saw a damn lion walk out of a truck as well. The whole thing didn't make sense but at the same time it did because the boys were given a chance to share their ideas with the director.

The desert heat of Palmdale glared down at you all causing everyone to remove extra layers of clothing or pat their faces down with a towel. The boys have also been sweating all day. From jumping around and filming the video to chasing each other and fooling around on set. Harry and Liam were the worse. Liam wore a leather jacket and Harry had a full on coat.

You were all now on a break. The boys looked around set and fangirled over Danny DeVito. Harry was now just wearing his thin black button down since he removed his coat.

"You feelin' better?" You look up at him to stare at his face. You were resting against his chest as he had his arms wrapped around your waist and was leaning against a table. Before you told him to take his coat off, Harry had been saying he felt like he was going to pass out.

"Yeh. Feeling much better. I've drank plenty of water and that fan's helping me cool off." Harry's hand slipped under your thin t-shirt and stroked your stomach. You weren't pregnant but he just liked placing his hand there, it was some kind of comfort for him. You two watched from afar as the boys asked the zoo wrangler multiple questions about the animals brought on set. Louis, who saw you staring at the chimp he was playing with, called you over.

"(Y/n)! You've got ta check this monkey out!" He beamed as he waved you over. Louis was the one to request for animals to be in the video and the directors made that happen. You looked up at Harry, "Can I go meet the monkey?"

Harry grinned and nudged you over towards Louis, "Course you can. I think I'll stay back for a bit and cool off more."

"Are you sure, Haz?" You ask turning around in his hold. Harry nods and places a reassuring peck on your lips. "Yup, go before Louis get impatient." He jokes. You laugh and walk over to Louis who had the monkey on his lap. Louis motioned for the monkey to wave at you and it did.

"He just waved at me, Lou!" You crouched in front of Louis and tickled the monkey with your finger.

"Say hello to (y/n)." Louis softly coaxed the monkey. The monkey hopped of Louis' lap and latched onto your arm. You laughed causing the others to look at you. "How come he likes (y/n) but not me?" Liam whines.

"Because of that bloody cast on yer hand. Stinks." Niall commented as he sat next to Louis. The next few minutes would consist of you all playing with the animals, mostly the monkey. When it came to resuming filming, the monkey would not let go of your hand.

"I think he loves (y/n) more than you." Zayn joked nudging Harry with his elbow. You all laughed as Harry made an offended face at the monkey.

"Oi, it's back to work for yeh. She's mine." He told the monkey, gently pulling on your arm. Unexpectedly, the monkey pulled you towards him. You gasped before you bursted out laughing along with the others.

After the whole monkey situation it was soon the afternoon. The boys were mostly done with the music video, all they had to do now was shoot the ending. Everyone was excited for the last scene since it included everyone getting soaked in "rain". Everyone was currently gathered in a group with the boys and Danny DeVito front and center. The set crew were currently checking the water system to make sure it'll work properly. You and Lou, along with the wardrobe crew hung out under a tent.

"Hey, you guys have been working hard all day. Would you guys like to be drenched in cold water?" The director approached you all. You all looked at him with a questioning look.

"Excuse me?" Lou asked.

"Would you guys want to be in the scene? If you don't want to be seen we can place you guys towards the back?" he clarified.

"Oh, sure! I think we'd all like a cold shower." Jess, a member of the wardrobe crew, answered.

You were all ushered onto set standing behind the crowd of ballerinas and clowns. The director called action and "Steal My Girl" began to blare through the speakers. You all shrieked as the cold water began to pour down from the giant sprinklers. You danced with Lou and your other friends as the water continued to pour. When the song ended the director called cut making everyone cheer.


Harry charged at you with a wide smile and hugged you. Laughing he lifted you up as he chanted, "It's a wrap!". You wrapped your arms and legs around him cheering along. The water continued to pour. You moved the wet strands of hair from Harry's face and cradled his head. His emerald eyes gazed up at yours.

"Ye know, I've never kissed you in teh rain?" He wondered aloud.

"Yeah, you haven't." You hummed. Harry moved one of his hands to the back of your neck, moving your face closer to his. His lips softly brushed against yours before they fully connected. You thought it was an innocent kiss but Harry nipped at your lip and slid his tongue into your mouth. As your tongues fought for dominance you heard a collective groan from the boys.


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