With A Sea View

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Your body was overheating.

Completely and totally on fire as your hips rocked against his, your nails digging into the thickest part of his chest, his fingers bruising the outsides of your thighs with their tight grip. 

"Just like that," he murmured, his eyes roaming from your face, your breasts, your core, and back again. 

Messy hair splayed out on his pillow, his face a mix of awe and overwhelm. He looked as gorgeous as ever with the hair on his face turning into more than a bit of stubble. 

You couldn't help your moan, his length reaching so deep your back arched to feel him fully.  The breeze coming from the open floor to ceiling double doors to your left bit at your clammy skin as you lifted your hips and dropped down on him yet again, over and over, his own groan slipping past his lips against his will. 

"Love," he warned, his voice like a deep caress against every inch of you. "Fuck... fuck."  His eyes rolled back, teeth sinking into his bottom lip before his gaze snapped back to yours, as if he couldn't allow himself to miss anything. 

"You feel... so good..." your breath caught slightly on the sentiment, happy to even get the words out. 

You rolled your hips on him, moaning at the complete fullness of him. He filled you from the inside out, in more ways than you thought possible - every crevice, every broken part of you, every angle that felt too sharp, too sad, too weary, too something.  He filled them all in a way only he could, and in a way that felt even more intense when you had him like this. Inside you, suffocating you, his scent and warmth encasing you. For you - only for you, and only for him.  

His hands traced a path up to your hips, squeezing there, encouraging you to keep moving. They roamed as you rode him, up to your waist, squeeze, your chest, squeeze, your hips again, squeeze, your ribs, squeeze, trailing up and up, until finally landing on either side of your neck, squeeze

Chills ran across your skin immediately, your body subconsciously tightening around him as the heat of his hands seeped into the tender skin of your throat. 

"That's it," he breathed, watching your face intently, his mouth falling open in unison with yours as a moan escaped you. 

He squeezed gently, precariously, eyes alight with fire and need.  His thumbs rested just under the curve of your jaw, his hips flexing beneath you, begging to get closer, deeper, more more more.

You weren't sure if he pulled you closer or if you moved on your own, but your face suddenly hovered above his, noses brushing as he held your throat in a perfect grip, just enough for the most delicious waves of pleasure to coast down your spine.

"So fucking beautiful." His compliment was mixed with his grunts, his thrusts from beneath you taking over as your body floated to the space of in between, hanging in the balance, waiting to topple over the edge of your orgasm. "Come on," he groaned through his teeth and his fingers tightened, "give it to me." 

And then you exploded, stars blasting behind your eyes when you ripped your gaze from his, your moans catching in your throat. He pulled you in just to get his mouth to yours, your body convulsing against him as your hips took over on their own accord, riding out the tremors coursing through your blood. You gasped fully against his waiting mouth as his grip on your throat let up, wave after wave of pleasure taking over completely.

He was all grunts and hushed encouragements - there you go, that's it, don't stop, so good - his voice equivalent to dripping honey. It egged you on, heightened your pleasure, stoked your arousal, a high you couldn't quite explain but never got tired of.

He rode that high out with you, until you were smothering him, chest to chest, body limp and heavy, his mouth pulling lush kisses from your swollen lips.

Your back hit the crumpled sheets in one swift motion, warm skin followed by slow thrusts pressing you into the mattress.  

His nose nuzzled yours briefly before your lips connected with his once more, and then bit gently into that plush bottom lip. His hips stuttered into yours, the softest groan coating your mouth and spiking your pulse.

"Oh... my god," he breathed, almost to himself.

You reached up to thread your fingers through the fallen hair across his forehead, gripping the thick strands tightly at the root, before raking your fingers through over again. Grip, rake, grip, rake. His body shuddered, his breathing matching the tempo of his thrusts.

"Come inside me," you whispered against his lips.

His body responded as if he had no choice, his hips picking up pace momentarily before his brain even registered it, as if he had no control at all. But he slowed instead - deep, digging thrusts that kept your skin buzzing and your stomach coiling as he dipped to suck a nipple into his warm mouth.

You tugged his hair harder, receiving a harder thrust in return. His hands found your throat once more, this time holding onto you so that he wouldn't float away. Such a contrast to the way he held it moments ago. He wanted you to soar, but now he needed to stay grounded to you.

You pulled your knees higher up his sides, as if opening yourself for him even more. How much more open could you be for him? Yet his body at least seemed to sink into you more, whether in actuality or imagined, he somehow felt deeper.

"Yes," you breathed, arching your hips to his even more.

He groaned fully, frustration or ecstasy pouring from him, until his pleasure took over.

A final "fuck..." fell from his mouth as two lethal thrusts had him coming, his hips stilling tightly against yours as his orgasm ripped through him and your fingers tightened in his hair yet again.

His face tucked into your neck immediately, panting breaths coating your skin as your chests heaved wildly against one another. His body melted into yours as you stroked your fingers down his back, nails scratching on their way back up. He shivered from the chills it caused, lips pressing against your neck, jaw, cheek, until you turned your head and met his waiting mouth.

A satisfied moan followed his kiss, and a calmness washed over you as his hands caressed your body once more before he lifted himself up on his elbows.

"Love that so much," he admitted softly, not needing to wait for your dazed response before he kissed you again.

And then he was up and walking towards the ensuite, the toned muscles of his back flexing with every step.

You saw the start of a dimple as he smirked just as he turned the corner into the bathroom, disappearing behind the wall, knowing the normal routine. The sound of the shower filtered into the room a second later... beckoning.

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