Lace Love

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He held the door for you as you walked into your shared hotel room.  It was quiet; had been for a while now.  He did a lot of talking throughout the night. Lots of people to see, lots of hands to shake. You weren't shocked that he was quiet now.

You locked the door behind you, slipping your heels off immediately so you could stretch your toes against the carpet.  When you looked up, he was leaning against the desk situated in the corner of the living space of the suite.  He picked at the corner of the pad of paper that sat on top, flicking the edge repeatedly, methodically, as his eyes looked at something on the floor. 

"You okay, H?" you spoke gently as you walked over to him. 

His eyes stayed low as he pieced together his thoughts on how he was feeling.  You waited quietly.  You always waited.  Harry wasn't someone who rushed what he wanted to say.  It was something you loved about him. The way he spoke with purpose and meaning, it was beautiful and shouldn't be rushed. 

"Think I'm just... overwhelmed," he said slowly, his voice deep and low. 

"It was a lot," you agreed.  "You're happy though? With how everything went?"

His eyes lifted to yours then, light green orbs sparking from the light of the lamp sitting on the corner of the desk.  His lashes were wet, his emotions setting in now that he had a moment to think about them. "So happy," he spoke roughly. 

"H," you whispered as you lifted your hand to stroke your fingers along his jaw. 

"I got to do this," he spoke in disbelief. "It's just..."

"Huge," you finished for him. "It's huge baby. I'm so proud of you." 

You snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him close to you as you stroked the back of his hair.  His faced tucked into your neck, his chest expanding against yours with a deep breath before you felt the warm exhale roll down your neck. His fingers dug into your waist harshly, his arms wrapped around you tightly to hold you close.

"Thank you... for being a part of this with me." 

"Harry," you breathed, your eyebrows furrowing, "I could never miss this." 

"Not just tonight," he clarified as he pulled his face out of your neck to look at you. He brushed your hair off your shoulders, letting his fingers cup the sides of your neck gently as he looked in your eyes. "For, being with me, through... everything. I know it can be a lot sometimes and... and you're always... there. You're always here for me."


"No, m'serious.  You let me just, be. You let me be happy and just be myself and you love me through, all of it. I'm so fuckin' lucky to have you. I love having you to share this with." 

"I love you," you breathed as you tugged on the hair at the base of his head. 

For how slow he had been moving and talking, he came to you suddenly, slanting his mouth against yours in a full kiss.  One of his arms pulled you flush against him as the other cupped your face.  The kiss went in reverse; quick, sucking kisses over and over at first. But then it slowed, soft caresses of his lips against yours.  He pulled slow kisses from you, breathing deeply as he bit your bottom lip gently before resting his forehead against yours. 

You weren't even sure how long you stood like that with him, gripping onto one of his shoulders with your heads pressed together, breathing in unison as you played with his hair.  Just being in the moment with him after experiencing so much with him over the course of your relationship. This, tonight. He was right. It was overwhelming, in the best sort of way. 

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