Fear Before Victory

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Y/N was peacefully coming out from the stadium bathroom when a voice she knew very well was heard shouting.

"Y/N, has anyone seen Y/N?!" She saw Jeff turn the corner, and when he saw her he started running towards her. "Y/N, where were you?"

"Pissing?" She answered, pointing to the bathroom door behind her, but didn't have time to ask what was happening when her boyfriend's manager grabbed her wrist to start running. "Jeff!"

"It's Harry, Y/N, he needs you."

And she didn't say any more words, with a pressure on her chest hearing that Harry needed her and that it was probably not good since the face of the man who was dragging her was pale.

She was scared, had he hurt himself? if something happened to him she wouldn't know what to do, Harry was her happiness and she was his, maybe he had tripped, or cut himself, or something had happened to his wardrobe, or-

"Here she is, come in." Jeff pushed her into Harry's dressing room and closed the door, leaving her and her love alone.

Harry looked up at the noise and sobbed louder when he saw his girlfriend standing there, confused.

"Y-Y/N." He said, his voice cracking and his bloodshot green eyes looking at her with sadness and shame.

"Oh shit, H." She said, rushing to kneel beside him, letting the man hold her tightly and hide his face against her neck. "What's wrong, bubs?"

"I-I'm scared."

That confused the girl, Harry was not used to being the fearful of the relationship, always being brave and open to any adventure, hearing him say that was a real surprise.

"Of what, lovie?"

"Going out on stage, maybe people are going to want everything to be as before, or maybe i didn't practice the songs enough, or they won't love the new band." He murmured, sobbing and clutching his girlfriend's shirt.

"Hey, hey, look at me." She whispered to him and he stared into her eyes, her heart clenching as she watched his tears fall from his orbs. "Everyone fell in love with you in One Direction, everyone fell in love with you on your first album, and everyone fell in love with you on Fine Line." She said softly, stroking her thumbs over his rosy cheeks. "It's not what you do Harry, it's all because of you. It's all because of your personality and your charisma, the lyrics you write, your dancing on stage, and more."

He was still sniffing, but his sobs were over, now only staring at her.

"You've been practicing the songs for two years and more, H. And people are going to love the new band, as long as Mitch and Sarah are around." They both laughed.


"No, baby, you're going to be great, we all love you, and you're so fucking talented."

Harry brought his face close to his girl's and kissed her slowly, leaving a trace of salty taste in the kiss from the tears.

"I love you." He told her. "Fuck, I love you."

"I love you more, it's okay to be scared, just remember that I'll always be here, yeah?"


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