Chapter Seven

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The next day at work, Areum had refused to leave my side, her head buried in my neck. "You do realise that I have to see other patients, Areum?" I ask her as she nestles down into the carrier she was placed in on my back.

Because Areum was small for a six year old, she was able to fit into a toddler carrier on my back. Since coming in for my shift, Areum had made it known that she didn't want to be detached from me which made me very surprised considering the abuse that she has experienced.

Areum just hums in response to my question causing a small laugh to escape me. With her secured on my back I start to make my way towards the boys room, knowing that Namjoon would need his wounds checked and redressed.

Just as I arrive at the door, I stop to address Areum. "Are you sure about this?" I feel small fingers on my back before her head is peering up over my shoulder.

She gives me a small smile and nods before shooting back down to hide in her covering, all of the carrier securing her body and successfully hiding it from prying eyes. "Alright then," I sigh out before pushing the door open and walking in, the door shutting behind me. Seven faces pop up, some with scowls to which I ignore.

I take one step forward before looking towards the alpha wolf, knowing that he would be feeling territorial of his pack, especially because they are in a new setting. "May I check your wounds please?" I ask nicely with a smile on my face.

He seems suspicious of me, but nods once to let me know that it is okay to come closer after receiving a look from Seokjin.

I roll a chair with no back to the bed and a small medical cabinet containing equipment. I take a seat before him and pull gauze, bandages, tape, scissors and cleaner from the cabinet before placing it on top.

"Please may you remove your top?" I ask while putting gloves on my hands. He takes his top off and places it besides him, his body tensing slightly at the movement.

"The bruising has gone down a bit but that doesn't mean that your ribs are fine. Do you have any breathing difficulties?" I ask before taking the stethoscope from around my neck.

"It seems alright," he mutters while carefully watching my actions as I put the earpieces in and place the circular part of his chest. "This allows me to hear your heart and make sure that your breathing is fine," I reassure him.

I listen to his heart before pulling away and turning my chair to grab his file. I grab the pen and click it before writing his heart rate down. "Your heart rate seems fairly normal with around seventy beats per minute."

I place the chart back down and the stethoscope around my neck before moving to slowly peel his old bandage and gauze away from his stomach.

"Your wound is also clearing up well but I am going to have to give it one more clean to make sure we didn't miss anything yesterday. Fair warning to you, this could sting slightly." I pull a cotton ball from the draw before placing some antiseptic solution onto it. 

"Ready?" I ask with an eyebrow raised as I look towards him. He gives me a nod before squeezing the bed sheets lightly as I start to dab the cotton ball around his wound.

Once it's clean, I throw the cotton ball away. "I will redress your wound and then I just need to check your face and I'll be on my way," I say gently.

I pick up the gauze and place it on his wound, holding it in place before starting to wrap the bandage around it to which I have to stand up.

A little squeal is heard when I bend forward slightly making a few heads turn towards me. I blush lightly under all the stares before turning back to keep dressing the wound and mutter, "sorry Areum."

This makes them even more confused as they try to look into the carrier. Feeling the scents grow closer, Areum curls up tighter into the carrier, her uncut nails digging through my shirt, eventually cutting it slightly so that her nails dig into my skin, tearing it with each scratch.

I tense slightly under the pain and stand up a bit straighter. "Please may you step back," I mutter quietly to which they comply. Areum calms down a bit, her nails retracting from my skin, surely leaving indents and blood behind.

I quickly apply the tape to Namjoon's bandage as I hear her whimper. I roll the cabinet and chair away, eager to get Areum away from all the scents and into the safety of her room.

"Stop," a voice commands, causing me to stop as my hand reaches for the handle. "What's in the carrier?" A new voice asks. I turn around to see the fennec fox Jimin looking at me with his head tilted. I sigh and rub my hand across my face in slight frustration. 

"We can smell the blood," Hoseok pipes in as he takes a step closer towards me. "Areum," I call out into the silence. "Would you like to meet some new people, I promise they won't bite," I added.

I feel her small hands connect to my back making me hiss slightly in pain. "It's okay," I quickly reassure her as I feel her start to slide back down the carrier. "It's not your fault hun," I whisper.

She starts to push herself up again before her little brown bear ears become visible. I notice them all soften at the sight of a small child appearing from my back. "Hi there," Taehyung whispers softly, making me slightly surprised at his turn of tone towards the child.

"See, they won't hurt you," I say softly as she buries her face into my neck. "Do you think you will be fine while I check on Namjoon's face?" I ask her. I feel her nod into my neck making me smile at her adorable actions.

I walk back towards Namjoon and lift his face by his chin slightly so that I could inspect his bruising. "I think it will only be a day or two before the swelling is completely gone," I say softly before grabbing my medical torch from my pocket. "May I?" I ask while gesturing my torch to his eye. He nods in permission, allowing me to shine the light into his eye.

"The swelling around your eyes should be settled enough come the afternoon or early tomorrow so you will be able to open your eye fully soon," I say after putting my torch back and writing down notes for the night doctor, knowing that I will be here for the evening.

"I will be back in an hour or two, give or take for another check up. Moonbyul will be in shortly to speak about housing you as a group so you aren't on the streets anymore," I say, going to turn before stopping.

"Please be nice to her, even if she isn't a hybrid."

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