Special - Part Two

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Kook replaces Jimin from between my legs as he and Tae move to sit with the rest behind me.

"Feeling okay, love?" he asked once I'd got my breathing to calm down. I nod, smiling up at him. "I'm good."

He'd already removed his boxers before coming over which made it easier for him as he started to glide between my folds, teasing me with his tip.

The squelching is loud as the release from my previous orgasm clings to me, glistening and spreading with every thrust he makes.

"Ready?" he asked, gripping his cock in his hand so he could align it with my hole.

"Yes," I whimper.

He starts to push in, going slow before bottoming out just to roughly slam back in. We moan and groan in tandem as he picks up my leg, throwing it over his shoulder so he could hit deeper, speeding up with each thrust.

My body shakes, our skin slapping together as I clutch onto the sheets, back arching and aching under the force of his thrusts. "Such a good girl for me," he pants out shakily. "You take me so well, don't you sweetheart?"

My moans pick up in volume, head flinging back slightly as my eyes roll in bliss. I feel him move, body getting closer to mine, creating a sweet friction on my clit as his body rubs against me.

His mouth connects to my throat, sucking a mark into the glistening skin as he slams me into the bed over and over again.

I clench down on him as my orgasm builds quickly in my core, making tingles shoot through me with every thrust. He growls, biting down over his mating mark causing my legs to shake as I come undone beneath him, his own load shooting deep in spurts of white hot bliss.

I lose focus for a moment, eyes going dark as I try to bring myself down from the high I'd just received.

He leans back, relieving the pressure from my clit as he slowly thrusts a few more times before pulling out. I cry, legs weakly shaking as they drop heavily to the bed.

"You did so well for me darling," he soothes, kissing my forehead softly as he sits up, leaning back to grab something before gently wiping away the release that stained my thighs.

"Can you handle more?"

"You know I can," I jibe.

He smirks down at me. "Don't set me off darling– you know I can go for hours and you definitely know that I don't mind fucking you into this bed until I'm satisfied and have you withering on my cock, crying for me to stop," he taunts causing me to clench.

Before I could pull him back down, he pulled away from me, smirk more prominent across his face.

"Don't tease her Jk," Jin scolds playfully causing Kook to retaliate as he slaps his thigh, darting away before Jin could swat at him.

Jin glares half-heartedly before coming over to me, Joonie joining him.

Jin smiles gently as he looks at me. "Think you could take both of us at the same time?" he asks, dirty words contrasting his soft expression.

I looked over at Joon, now noticing that he was holding a bottle of lube in one hand. "We'll be gentle, we promise."

I let out a shaky sigh, pushing my hair back from my face. "Okay."

"Okay?" Joon confirms.

I nod, giving them the green light to go ahead with whatever they were planning.

Jin moves to pull me onto his lap, hands gripping my waist as he leans in to kiss me, capturing my lips in a soft embrace.

Joonie moves behind me, hand rubbing down my spine gently before pulling away.

I hear the cap of the bottle before a cold liquid is being spread over my rim, two fingers gently rubbing before intruding into the tight space.

I hear him groan as he wriggles his fingers slightly causing me to jolt in Jin's lap. "Still so tight even after last night."

"Maybe you didn't fuck me hard enough," I tease.

He removes his fingers before slapping my ass hard. "Don't start baby."

Jin pulls me down with him as he lies on his back, lips kissing at my neck before he pulls away to look at me. "Is it okay if I push in now?"

I kiss him softly before nodding. "Yes."

He pulls me up slightly before lowering me onto his cock. He stops half way making me whine. "Legs still shaky?" he asks. My brows furrow as I watch the thoughts cross his mind before he gives me an innocent smile and lets me go so I drop the rest of the way down.

My body gives out, shaking as my weight crushes down on him; falling forward as I feel another orgasm starting to build already.

"Don't overstimulate her too soon," I hear Yoongi murmur.

I tilt my head slightly to face him. He sat with his cock in hand, fist gripping over it as he pumped slowly, eyes hardened as looked straight at me.

I couldn't help but clench again, making Jin groan as his grip tightened.

I turn to look back at Jin, taking in his fucked out expression.

While distracted, Joon took the opportunity to slowly push in, hand pushing my back down slightly.

I felt so full, body trembling between them.

"So tight," Joon growled, hips pushing my own into Jin's.

"You okay if I take the lead?" Joon asks as he looks down at Jin trapped beneath me.

He hums, obviously not giving a fuck. "Just move please," he says, voice strained.

Joon doesn't need to be told twice as he starts to move, body heavily slapping into my own, forcing me to move up and down Jin's cock, who mewls beneath me.

"Fuck," he pants out, grip tightening as he just lets it happen, body lax on the sheets.

I feel myself building, core tightening, limbs slack as I rest against Jin. I whine, moans coming out broken. Joon thrusts harder, slowing down before releasing inside me, pushing himself deeper before thrusting a few more times.

My orgasm hits me like a ton of bricks, body tensing from the power behind it. Joon pulls out, hand resting on my back, grounding me.

I couldn't help but laugh, mind feeling loopy from the recent high.

"Oh shit, don't laugh," Jin hisses, stomach clenching. I couldn't stop, especially once I'd seen his scrunched expression.

I suddenly halt, looking down in shock. "Did you just cum?"

He groans as he removes his hands from my waist, covering his face instead. "I told you not to laugh," he says, muffled.

I deliberately clench, smirking down at him as his hands slap down on the bed, body bucking up into me. "Such a brat," he snides before flipping me over, cock still buried deep inside.

"Prepare yourself love, cause I won't stop till I have you screaming and squirting all over this fucking bed."

I hope they invested in a wheelchair...
(sorry for any spelling mistakes, etc)

-peachy <3

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