Chapter Thirty-Four

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It was a weird sight to see the boys moving back in, especially with the way we had all left things. I already knew that we'd have to have a long conversation about the things that transpired which could leave a couple people in tears of worse.

Deep down, despite being human, I felt like my body recognised the boys as my mates causing me to want to feel close to them no matter how confused I was feeling at the minute.

"Is everything alright?" a voice asks from behind me. I turn around to see Moonbyul placing a box down, a concerned expression across her face. "Yeah," I sigh out as I turn around to face her, finally tearing my eyes away from the maknae's play fighting in the living room.

"I guess it's just a bit weird to have them here when we haven't spoken about anything that needs to be addressed."

She releases a sigh of her own, straightening out her clothes before walking over to where I was leant against the hall-way wall. She leans beside me, briefly glancing in the direction of the kitchen before looking forward towards the opposite blank wall.

"Do you think that it was a mistake to let them back in that quickly?"

I just shrug, a frown on my face. "I hope not."


"Thank you again for helping us move everything back here, we appreciate your help," Jin says, bowing to the four girls who stand next to the front door clad in thick coats and scarfs.

"That's alright, we don't mind helping out a friend," Wheein cheerfully chirps. Solar moves to bring me into a hug, tail swishing softly behind her as she leaves a brief scent mark to my skin.

"Call if you need anything," she softly whispered as she looked me dead in the eyes with a soft look across her face. "We're always here for you."

I nod, grateful as I watch her turn back around to usher them out. "Let's go then before it gets too late," she chides fondly as she herds them out the door.

"Have a safe journey," I call out just as they step into the car, waving one last time before they disappear deep within thick greenery.

A soft shiver racks my body as I close the door, coldness seeping through just before it shuts and locks.

I turn towards the living room, feet rushing me forwards as the sound of hushed voices and a crackling fire caress my ears.

Seven sets of eyes turn to face me as I step through, arms wrapped around myself for comfort. I pad my way over to the love seat, crashing down on it before encasing myself in the fluffy blanket that was thrown over the back, ignoring the eyes that track my movements.

The stares start to grate on me, head snapping up to survey the room. "Is there something wrong?" I ask, head tilted.

"Your scent has decayed," Namjoon calls out, breaking the tense silence that had covered the room like a dark cloud. My eyes furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean by 'decayed'?"

He sighs, "like sad."

"Oh," I softly exclaim as I relax further back into the love seat. "Just a lot on my mind."

Jungkook POV

Y/n's scent was tinged with sadness since she walked into the room and swaddled herself in a blanket alone. It causes our own scents to crackle with nervousness and worry as we eye her.

I watch as she sinks further down into the seat, eyes blinking with sleep as she stares up at the ceiling. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her softly.

Her head turns to face me, staring at me for a while before turning to look back up at the ceiling. "Maybe tomorrow," she mutters while pulling the blanket further up.

Seokjin exhales softly from beside me before he heaves himself off the sofa, little white ears twitching as he moves towards her before squeezing himself next to her.

Her eyes flutter softly, blanket moving to hide a muffled yawn before she's peering up at hyung with glazed eyes.

"Time for bed sweetheart," he says softly with a fond smile as he moves to tuck the blanket around her tighter, one I recognise as my own that I'd thrown over the seat earlier in the day. He cradles her in his arms, body curling towards him as he starts to make his way to the basement. I naturally move to get up, rushing after the pair before they could disappear.

My feet tread lightly behind them, eyes watching hyung's movements with precision to make sure he doesn't drop her...not that I thought he would.

Jin places her gently down onto her bed as she's already dressed in pyjamas, ruffling her hair softly before straightening up.

My instincts burst within me as I rush towards the connected bathroom, leaving the door partly open before I'm stripping off my clothes and allowing myself to shift.

I hop with determination, butting at Jin's leg so he'll take notice of me. A soft laugh escapes his lips as he bends down to pick me up, placing a soft kiss between perked ears.

"My baby bun want to cuddle and nest, hm?" he chides with affection as he places me down beside her. I preen with satisfaction as I shuffle closer, chinning softly to any skin I can find before settling in a ball next to her neck, body flopping down in exhaustion.

"Sleep well," Is the final thing I hear before my eyes close.


A groan escapes me as I force my eyes open, still heavy with sleep as I stretch. Confusion etches its way into my mind as a soft weight pulls my stomach down from the stretch.

I pull the blanket away, eyes furrowing deeper as a small lump softly shuffled beneath my top.

I pull it up, a shocked gasp escaping me as I see a soft black bunny laying on my stomach, paws kicking the air as his eyes flicker every now and them.

An amused laugh escapes me as snorts leave his tiny mouth, teeth chattering lightly every few seconds.

My hands reach down to cup the soft bunny as I move to sit up. His paws kick quicker at the sudden movement, eyes opening wide in alarm as a hiss is heard.

"'s okay," I softly say as I bring him up to leave a kiss at his temple.

His eyes, unblinking, stare into my own as I place him onto the mattress in front of me, the scent of soft cotton and baby powder caressing my nose, etched into my sheets.

With a soft grunt he hops away to where I had chucked the blanket off of me, hiding under it before his form starts to grow larger. A groan escapes the now hybrid man as he lays sprawled on his stomach with a blanket displaying baby carrots and cartoon bunnies barely covering him.

He flips over, placing the blanket more over himself as he smiles softly up at me. "Morning noona, how'd you sleep?"

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