Chapter Forty-Four

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"Hey," Namjoon calls softly after peeking his head round the door. I smile softly at the overgrown pup, lifting my hand to gesture for him to come in. The door closes quietly behind him before he walks closer to where I was sitting behind my desk.

(a/n: she's in her home office)

"Is everything okay?" I ask in slight concern, knowing that he wouldn't come to me unless it was important.

Something brief flashes across his eyes before he's settling down in the chair opposite me with a relaxed posture. "I just wanted to see how you were doing," he says.

Surprise flits across my face. "Oh," I exclaim. "I'm doing okay, I'm just sorting out the adoption papers for Areum."

It's his turn to be surprised as he gasps. "She's allowed to be adopted?"

I smile. "Yeah, she's made significant progress over the last few weeks so Dr Moon suggested that we start to look for the perfect home for her."

"What about her connection to Jihoon? Won't that slow his progress down?" he asks worriedly.

Sighing, I place the pen down on top of the papers before looking up at him. "I am concerned about his progress, but we have a rule that states that we're not allowed to push back someone else's progress for another."

His jaw drops. "I don't understand that rule," he huffs.

I shrug my shoulders. "It can be hard to understand. In Jihoon's case, he has people around him that he can lean on while Areum's away. We are trying to find a family who will eventually adopt Jihoon when he is able to be put up for adoption, but it can be hard to find those sorts of people. We never wanted to split Areum and him up."

He releases a sigh, leaning back into his chair. "What's the percentage that Areum's adoptive family will eventually adopt Jihoon as well?"

"Hmm, probably fifty-fifty to be honest."

His eyes suddenly light up as he jolts in his seat. "What about if we adopted Areum?"

My eyebrows scrunch as I look at him in confusion. "What?"

"Well, I know we haven't been together that long, but we can offer her a stable home and eventually adopt Jihoon as's a win for all of us if you think about it."

"Would the others be okay with it?"


Taehyung's POV

A little suggestion led to one of the biggest life changes...

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Jungkook exclaims from where he sat in the centre's waiting room.

His eyes are wide, leg bouncing up and down as he watches the door in front of him closely. "How long do you think they're gonna be?" he asks with an excited undertone as he looks towards me.

I smile softly at the over-excited bun. "They won't be long, they're just helping Areum pack her stuff."

As soon as the door opens, he shoots off his seat with the biggest huff. "Finally, it felt like hours," he whines.

I push myself up from my own seat, allowing the joy to overtake me as my eyes catch sight of a bundled up girl in Jin's arms.

Her little bear ears twitch as she looks towards me and Kook. his body vibrates with energy as he shuffles towards the pair.

"Can I?" is the only thing he asks before the girl is being placed into his own arms.

He squeals lightly as his foot thumps the floor. I walk closer, throwing my arm over Kook's shoulder as I smile at the girl. "All set?" I ask her.

She reciprocates my smile and nods while pointing towards Namjoon.

I look over at the wolf, snickering as I look at his flushed cheeks and peppa pig bag. "Don't say a word," he warns.

I place my hand across my heart, fauxing shock as I gasp. "I would never."


Y/n POV - 6 months later

"Are you sure?" I all but shout down the phone. "We think that it'd be the best thing for him and Areum," Dr Moon says. I squeal, jumping up and down, attracting the attention of the rest in the living room.

"Give me an hour and I'll be there."

I cut the call, slamming the phone down before turning the hob off and rushing to the living room.

"Dr Moon just called," I started off, excitedly. "I have some amazing news but it'll have to wait, I'll see you in an hour."


I don't give time for them to reply, quickly leaving the room so I could throw on a pair of shoes. I shout out a rushed bye as I close the door behind me and race towards the car.

Getting to the centre takes less time than usual, but that could just be because I broke a few laws to get here.

I look like a mad woman as I run through the corridors to get to Moon's office. I knock twice before pushing the door open, my face feeling hot as I try to catch my breath. Moon looks at me in shock as he stands up from where he was previously crouched, zipping up Jihoon's coat.

"How did you get here so quickly?" he asks perplexed. "It should have taken at least ten more minutes before you burst through my door."

I sheepishly half-smile, rubbing my nape. "Sorry," I mumble.

"Noona," a voice calls. I looked down at the bundled snake whose face was hardly seeable past the thick scarf wrapped around him. "How's my little prince?" I excitedly ask as I heave him up.

His little fangs poke at his bottom lip as he beams. "Good," he announces with glee.

"Are we going home?"


I drove slower on the way home, mindful of the little passenger that was placed beside me.

Nervous energy bounced through my body as I helped Jihoon out of the car. "You have to be quiet because it's gonna be a surprise," I whispered gently to him.

He nods, a smile still on his face as he follows me to the front door.

I open the door softly, closing it with a light click before toeing off my shoes and helping Jihoon with his own. We each unwrap the layers from around us before inching closer to the living room where we heard voices.

I step in first, Jihoon hidden around the corner. "Where did you disappear off to so quickly after Dr Moon called?" a curious voice asks.

I can hardly contain my excitement as I look towards Yoongi. "I was collecting my surprise."

He looks at me in deeper confusion as they all straighten up. "What surprise?" Areum asked.

I look to my right, smiling softening as I step to the left. "Welcome our newest member," I announce with unbridled joy.

Jihoon steps into the room and all hell breaks loose. Limbs fight and entangle as they try to reach for the boy with love-struck eyes. "Did Dr Moon finally approve of him coming home?" Jin asks in awe as he's the first to step past the hooligans spread across the floor.

He picks the boy up, kissing his crown before pulling back to softly mumble, "welcome to the family hun, I'm sure you'll fit right in."




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