Special - Part One

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It had been five years since I'd met the boys and four since I'd officially adopted them as my own. I never thought that I'd make it here with them considering how we'd started out.

Areum and Jihoon were growing to be the most perfect little angels and I couldn't have asked for more in life. They were both healthy, happy and bright children with wonderful imaginations and a beautiful bond. It had been easy for all of us to slot together– the boys fell in love with both of them as soon as they laid eyes on them.

With laws changing, last year we were finally able to register them as the adoptive dads which caused a huge tidal wave of tears, laughter and love. It worked out at the right time because the next week I'd proposed to my wonderful men even though the mate bond would keep us together for life.

I didn't need a piece of paper to prove that I was theirs, but I wanted them to experience what it was like to have a wedding, to be the centre of appreciation and to feel the love being projected on them on their special day.

The wedding was chaotic to say the least but was a highly memorable day for all of us. Jihoon walked with me down the aisle while Areum followed, holding the rings connected to a small cushion. It was a beautiful ceremony with the closest of people joining us because we didn't want anything too big.

Solar and the girls had agreed to look after the kids while we went away on our honeymoon. Paris was beautiful, especially at night. It was romantic and full of love. We all went on dates to cafes and places we found interesting– the youngest even took me on a nude painting date where we got to paint each other's bodies before creating our art on the massive canvas sheet spread on the floor– of course it turned into sex, who could blame us.

Surprisingly, we didn't partake in group sex until near the end of the honeymoon; we'd only had threesomes and no more.


The boys had rented a place out in Paris and made a few adjustments so that by the time we'd arrive, we'd have a bed that fit the eight of us. It was custom made with a memory foam mattress and plush sheets which looked and probably felt like the fluffy clouds above us.

Admittedly, it took me a good ten minutes before I could pry myself away from them.

I snuck out of bed as the others were still asleep and I didn't fancy disturbing them so early in the morning.

The stairs were wooden and spiralled down to the front hall with doors on either side– one leading to the kitchen and the other leading to the living room.

The scent of coffee was strong as I placed a capsule into the machine with a click, allowing it to do its work. The deep, dark liquid flowed out smoothly, frothing slightly on the top.

Arms came around me causing me to jolt slightly in surprise. "Sorry baby, didn't mean to make you jump," the raspy voice calls out as they kiss my neck in apology.

"It's okay Kook, I just didn't hear you sneak down."

He leans closer to kiss the corner of my mouth before pulling away, leaning back on the island behind him. "The others are slowly waking, Tae's getting antsy 'cause you left."

I remove the capsule from the machine before placing it into the bin. "Well he can wait a few more minutes, I won't be long, just wanted a coffee," I exasperate. "You've had me in that bed all night, at least give me a break, I don't have the same stamina a hybrid has."

He darkly chuckles as he presses himself behind me. "Don't have an attitude with me darling, I may be prey but I'll still put you in your place," he whispers, squeezing my hips before pulling away. I turn to look at him in slight shock to which he just smiles and says, "don't be long," and walks away.

I don't bother washing my cup as I place it in the sink, already hearing the whines coming from upstairs before I even manage to make my way to the bedroom door.

Eyes track my movements, watching closely as I get onto the bed before they attack. I squeal, allowing it to happen as I know from experience that it's no use trying to fight it.

"Why did you leave me," Tae whines dramatically as he pouts down at me. "You left me all alone baby."

I reach my hand up to ruffle his already messy blonde hair, fingers combing through it with ease. "I'm sorry love, but I'm here now," I say softly.

I tighten my fingers in his hair as I pull him down to meet my lips so I could kiss the pout away.

He pushes harder into me, groaning into the kiss as he pulls my bottom lip into his mouth, lightly scraping at it before he's pushing his tongue through the gap and battling my own.

The kiss is messy as we grip at each other, rolling so I'm on top of him.

I eventually pull away for air, panting on top of him. He licks his lips before giving me a devilish smirk, gripping my hips and bucking up.

Hands come behind me to pull the shirt up that I'm wearing. My breasts spill free, causing multiple groans to be heard around the room.

I sit almost bare, a skimpy pair of underwear being the only thing covering my bottom half.

"You're absolutely beautiful baby," Tae murmurs as he reaches his hand up to caress just under my breasts causing me to shiver. He smiles before pulling me down so my chest touches his own. "Ready to be fucked to an inch of your life?" he jokingly asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh, kissing his soft lips before leaning back slightly. "More than ready so bring it on."

He flips us over again so I'm underneath him. His hands smoothed my hair away from my face before leaning down to trail kisses on my neck to my chest. His mouth licks and sucks marks onto my skin before he's bringing my nipple into his mouth, sucking harshly.

My back arches off the bed as a moan leaves past parted lips. "Tae," I whine. He smirks again before pulling back, eyes still on me as he calls out, "Jimin, why don't you come pleasure our lovely wife."

I hear a small growl from behind Tae's back before he's moving from on top of me so he could sit near my side, Jimin coming over to sit between my legs.

"You're not attached to these are you?" he asks as he points down to the black lace panties I wore. Before I could even reply, he ripped them from my body, throwing the torn fabric across the room.

His eyes flash as he mumbles, "good," even though he never got a reply. Before I could tell him off, he leaned down, tongue flicking at my slit before circling around my clit. "You taste like heaven sweet girl."

He groans, vibrations shooting through me as he sucks at my clit before making his way down slightly, parting my folds more so he could thrust his tongue into me.

Moans fall freely without a care into the open room as I grip onto the bed sheets, forgetting about Tae beside me.

My eyes shoot open as I feel a mouth come back to my nipple, sucking and swirling around the hardened nub. I shudder before a full bodied cry escapes me as an orgasm is ripped from me. "Fuck," I shout, sweat dripping heavy from my face.

Tae pulled away first, Jimin following close behind.

"All it took was my tongue and I had you cumming like a bitch in heat." He raises an eyebrow at me as he leans up, pulling me by my legs closer to him.

He squeezes my thighs causing them to tremble in his grasp. "Don't worry baby, we're far from done with you yet."


-peachy <3

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