Chapter-Twenty Four

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(request made by Rukie0101  – confessions from both sides) - PART TWO


With one quick glance to the alpha, Jin is sitting up straighter from his seat beside me as he clears his throat with confidence.

"Compared to other stories, mine's not so bad," he starts off with sympathy lacing his tone. "I never knew my parents. I was raised by a woman older than me. She taught me basic life lessons like how to cook and clean – I guess that's why I never had a problem with you."

One glance at me before he's looking back down to his fingers like they're the most interesting thing in the world. "She was a great woman, taught me everything I needed to know and never kept me under restriction. I didn't stick around when she passed. She always used to tell me about the HSC and how she feared they would take me, possibly torture me so when she did eventually die, I never stuck around to find out if that was true or not."

He sighs, shoulders relaxing as he looks back up with a soft smile. "I eventually found Jimin in an alleyway. We had both been in similar situations so we decided to stick together."

He turns his face away so he can try to sneakily wipe a few tears away that had fallen but we'd seen him do it. Jimin pouts from beside me before he is springing up and quite literally flinging himself into his eldest mate's lap causing them both to giggle as Jimin's arms make home around Jin's neck.

Knowing they'd probably want to be together, I shuffle up to take Jimin's old space, leaving room for Jimin to take mine. Seeing the gesture, Jimin smiles gratefully before he carefully manoeuvres himself to sit there all the while still clinging to Jin in some way.

"Should I go next?" Jimin asks with a small smile as he looks around the room.

Seeing no disagreement, Jimin smiles a bit brighter before chirping out a cheery, "okay then."

"As Jin hyung already said, we had quite similar backgrounds which helped us connect more, despite the mate bond we had felt once we first grazed hands," he says with an eye-roll as he looks up at Jin, nuzzling his neck slightly before continuing.

"My owner was a young female full of creativity which helped me explore my own creative side. She helped me find my passion for dance, often taking me to these dance lessons that accepted hybrids. She was full of such potential before she met him." His last word was full of venom, shocking me slightly.

"He made her views change, slowly corrupted her mind with his outrageous beliefs," he scoffs. "He made her believe that hybrids were meant to be slaves, pets even, that were nothing but useless beings to be used. At first she resisted, but then he got violent. He would beat her and then beat me when she wasn't home. Realising her damaged relationship was near unfixable, she kicked me out, blaming me for her failed love life, hoping that It'd all be fixed if I were to leave."

He releases a puff of angered air, rolling his neck which eventually clicks multiple times. "I stayed in an alleyway a couple blocks down before Jin found me."

His tone seems to brighten at the mention of his mate as he looks up at him like a love sick puppy, ironically.

A grin spreads across my own face at the display of affection, the act warming my heart but also breaking it as a sense of longing fills me.

"Jinnie and Jiminie found me and Kook," Hoseok calls out, shattering the previous silence that had blanketed over us. "Maybe I should start off with my story and then Kook can tell his," he suggests warmly with a head tilt, his tiny ears wiggling in his hair slightly.

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