Chapter Forty-One

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Jimin's story

"I had a female owner who loved me. I enjoyed basking in her warmth and would take what I got whenever I could. I always thought that It'd be me and her forever and I was ready to ask her to become mine, my mate.

I felt betrayed when she came home with a male because I saw her as mine. I thought she loved me back, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

It started off well. They were so in love and I was still looked after to a good enough extent. I mean, I didn't get as much affection as I used to but that was to be expected.

I tried to show him, despite him being human, that I meant no harm. I knew when to back off and when I wasn't wanted.

I gave them the space they needed and often stayed in my shifted form because it appeased him. He didn't like when I wasn't a fox because I was a threat to his masculinity.

He'd express his anger by punching walls at first, or releasing the odd frustrated yell. It did worry me, the amount of times he would get angry, especially over stupid things.

I didn't realise that he'd been hitting her until I saw him do it. He beat her everywhere, but her face and it disgusted me. That day was when I made my first mistake. I charged at him without thinking. Of course she took his side over mine even though I'd never hurt her.

The disbelief overtook me...she shocked me so badly that I couldn't stop staring at her like she'd just done the worst thing ever. I didn't have enough time to dodge the punch that he threw my way, but god did I feel it.

What hurt more was that she didn't even stop him. She let him take his anger out on me.

For a week after that incident, the whole apartment was just quiet. He mainly stayed out and kept away from me. I didn't know how to feel so I just closed in on myself so that I was better protected, y'know?

I didn't want my emotions to get the better of me so I visibly took a step back. I know it sounds stupid, but she was the reason I started to hate humans and he just made it worse.

When she started going back to work, he would beat me just for fun, call me down and lock me away for long hours without food or water. I felt angry because she didn't care. She never once asked how I was or where I went when she got back from work and I was missing for long periods of time.

The hate just grew and grew the more I lived with them but I didn't have anywhere to go so I stupidly stayed. I felt weak and unprepared when she finally kicked me out.

I still remember seeing his preening smirk from the doorway as she threw my bag out with me alongside it.

I wanted to slap the smugness right out of him but I knew that I couldn't. The threat of the HSC was laying over me heavily and I couldn't afford to be taken by them. It's a hybrids worse nightmare to be confronted by those sneaky fuckers. I didn't want to throw my life away for some human that I'd once loved. I came to realise that it wasn't worth it.

Seeing Seokjin those weeks later was just amazing...

I wanted nothing more than to be stuck with him for the rest of my life. There was just something about him that made me feel strong amounts of love, comfort and safety.

To finally feel acceptance from him was a big thing for me. I felt like I'd finally found that someone I was meant to be with.

Meeting the others was just the icing on the cake. We all fit together perfectly and wouldn't be nothing without each other."




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