Special - Part Three

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"Shit, shit, shit–" I chant, body overstimulated from the third orgasm that Jin had managed to pull from me in the last half hour.

"Come on baby, squirt for me," he taunts, thrusting hard and heavy as his fingers rub at my nub harshly.

"Be a good girl and give in."

My body tenses for a fourth time; face red, sweat thick as I sob.

"Please," I plead pathetically.

"Squirt," he commands, fingers rubbing harsher over the small bundle of nerves.

All it took was for him to hit my g-spot once and I was convulsing. I'm sure I started screaming, but I couldn't fully tell as ringing filled my ears and my eyes turned white.

My back arched, legs tensing as I shook hard on the bed.

Jin was pushed from my body by the force of the release that ripped through me.

He looked satisfied as he looked down, eyes shining with glee.

"Well done," he praised. "That wasn't so hard was it?" he rhetorically asked as he pulled away to retrieve the towel before wiping softly between my legs.

All I could do was mumble incoherently back at him, body and mind too far gone. Jin got up just as someone came behind me, helping me to sit up against their chest.

Jin came back with a water bottle in hand. "Drink some of this darling."

I gulped down the cold liquid, not caring how I looked or sounded.

"There we go," he muttered, tilting the bottle up for me.

A pair of hands came up to knead at my shoulders, releasing the tension that had built up in them.

I could tell by the hands that it was Hoseok behind me. "We don't have to continue, you can go to sleep right now and no one will care– we want you to be okay so don't push yourself to please everyone, okay?" he softly whispered, kissing the back of my head.

"Just give me a minute," I murmur back, finally feeling more like myself.

"I'll be fine, just no more trying to make me squirt," I tease softly.

He laughs, arms coming round to hold me. "That was pretty hot though."


We took a small break, mainly so I could calm down from my last intense release.

Hobi was patient with me, stroking my hair softly as I rested against his chest.

"I'm ready," I call out, sitting up from where I lay.

Hobi's eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Are you s–"

"I'm sure, I promise I'm okay. I'll even use my safe word if it gets too much."

He hesitated for a moment, checking me over before finally deciding that I wasn't lying.

He practically dived for me, my body falling back into the sheets. "Do you mind if Yoongi joins or would you rather not have two again."

"I don't mind," I breathe out.

Yoongi came over to sit beside Hobi as he gently reached out to stroke my face. "Don't worry darling, Hobi can be in the middle this time."

Hobi's face flushed red as he turned to face him, mouth dropped in shock. "What?" he exclaimed.

"You fuck her, I fuck you," Yoongi simplified with a shrug before playfully slapping Hobi on the ass.

"Get at it sunshine, I need to prepare you."

I lay back on the bed, legs spread to accommodate Hobi between them. He pumps himself a few times before slowly pushing in while watching my reaction to make sure I'm not uncomfortable.

I shakily exhale at the feeling of being full again, clit throbbing from the lack of pleasure as he halts.

I watch in fascination as his own eyes roll back, his body jolting into mine as Yoongi thrusts his fingers into him. "Lean down a little," Yoongi murmurs.

Hobi does as he's told, leaning forward more so his head is in my neck, his own legs spreading.

"Good boy," Yoongi mutters almost absently as he focuses on stretching his husband.

I can hear Hobi pant in my ear, making me feel hotter as I grip onto him, hands digging into his back. "Does it feel good?" I ask quietly in his ear.

He mewls in response, pulling my earlobe into his mouth to lightly suck on before he suddenly gasps, body rocking into my own.

Yoongi had thrusted inside in one go, causing all three of us to release sounds that clashed together in almost harmony.

"Oh fuck," Hobi panted as he started to move. His face was scrunched, lips kiss-bitten and swollen.

"You look so fucking hot love," I say, hand reaching up to caress his face. "I think you mean he looks 'so fucking hot' between us," Yoongi chimes in.

I laugh, "I guess so."

Hobi starts to rock back and forth faster, practically fucking the both of us. I clench as my release builds quickly.

"I'm not gonna last long," I whine out.

This spurs Hobi on as he slams with more purpose, hand moving to circle my clit in circles. "Cum for us," Yoongi grunts out.

The knot snaps, release rushing out in harsh waves.

"Pull out please," I say, not wanting to get overstimulated as I knew Jimin and Tae would be waiting for their turn.

Yoongi pulls Hobi back, forcing him onto his hands and knees, allowing me to move before he forces his head down and starts slamming into him.

I swear I could cum from their sounds alone...

Tae scoops me up into his arms before flipping me round on the bed, pulling me onto my hands and knees before slamming home into me. Jimin sits in front of me, hand pumping at his cock before he pulls my head down.

I lick the tip, swirling my tongue around him before I take him whole.

"Oh god," he whimpers. "I forgot how good you are with your mouth."

Didn't finish Tae and Jimin's part because I already wrote some about them at the start. This was the last part of the special...thank you...

-peachy <3

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