Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Taehyung's story

"Yoongi and Joon were the one's that found me next to an abandoned warehouse that I'd come to call my own. We also clicked almost instantly because we shared the same hatred for humans.

All I've known since I was a child, Is the breeding system and how cruel humans could be. At first I was more scared to be honest, but then the anger kicked in and it helped me to break free.

I'm not gonna lie and say I'm a saint 'cause I'm not...I've killed people, I've had to kill them to survive, but I've also taken pleasure in it.

The breeding place was like a farm. There were so many different kinds of hybrids all separated into different cages, chained up and taught to obey. They taught you to present as soon as you could crawl because if you can make it onto all fours, then you can definitely stick your ass out to please the male eye.

I think I was around five when it happened the first time. It broke me so far down that I got scared that they'd use it as a punishment if I didn't listen to them.

I should have known better. It took a year before I realised that they weren't doing this because I'd disobeyed in some way...they were just doing it because they loved doing it.

Every time it happened, they'd tell me that it was a part of training and to just take it. My body hurt all the time and I just felt so weak. I wanted to die...

I felt so violated and I dreaded for the time that they'd eventually turn around and tell me to breed another hybrid. I didn't want to ever have to put someone through that and I never knew who they'd pair me up with.

One mistake they made, like every human does...they left us alone in groups. We had the opportunity to plan months ahead and get a clear picture of how it was all going to work.

Despite people thinking that hybrids only care for themselves, we don't. We also care for others just like any other would. We all quickly agreed that the children and pregnant women would be the top priority and that the men, no matter how weak, would stay back to fight.

We couldn't slip up because it could have cost so many lives and I couldn't live with that. I couldn't face seeing another mauled hybrid, but I could face a bloodied, battered human.

We took notes of any patterns and were quick to realise that within that particular week, they were mainly breeding calico cats with lions. We made a plan that as soon as the lion cage would open, they'd strike, eventually letting us all free if the plan went right.

We already knew that some wouldn't make it because they had guns and tasers–

My god were the tasers painful...

They'd deliberately shove the taser inside as a punishment because they thought it was fun. They saw it as being trained while receiving a punishment. Hell, I'd seen so many people die from it.

It was so painful to just see their bodies convulse long after the taser had been removed. They'd suffered for a simple mistake which installed fear further into some.

I was one of the lucky ones because they'd never done that to me. I think there was someone higher up who favoured me because they called me 'precious' and 'beautiful' all the time.

Anyway, as soon as the lion cage opened that day, the first one struck. The human was so shocked that they didn't have enough time to react. Adrenaline started to just pump through me at rapid speed when I saw the first body drop. I used it to my advantage when I was finally out, slashing at the first person I'd seen.

It was so satisfying the first time my claws sunk deep. I felt like I was powerful for the first time in a long while. I was no longer oppressed, but free.

It was a joint effort to get the doors to our freedom open because no one could figure it out and we couldn't find the key.

We didn't think of one thing which we should have. We didn't think about that door or the fact that the women and children would be stuck there unless it was opened.

It cost us lives...

I felt partially like it was my fault which put me in a bad mindset.

Getting out of that place, I didn't really have anyone that I'd connected to so I decided to venture off alone...explore the world for myself. I still remember that night. The moon was bright, stars were shining and the air was so cold, but I just didn't care.

I soaked in everything that was around me, even the little things. It took me till sunset until I found that abandoned building. It looked like an old food factory that had just been forgotten about, but that didn't bother me. It provided me with the protection I needed until I was found and saved on a deeper level."

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