Chapter Ten

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Seokjin POV
"Have you decided on what you want to do?" Moonbyul asked after sitting down on one of the comfy chairs placed at one end of the room, a clipboard in hand.

I try to peer over her shoulder at the clipboard but she is quick to pull it away for my wandering eyes. "Tsk, what do you think you're doing?" She asks with an eyebrow raised and a smirk across her lips. 

My face blushes in embarrassment from being caught, my hands moving to rest behind my back as I look away, pretending to not know what she is on about. "Seokjin," she calls out teasingly. I look at her again just to see her smirk growing. "Were you just trying to peer at my private documents?"

I shake my head no, fauxing a confused look, emphasising it with a head tilt, my ears drooping slightly for extra measure.

She bursts out into a small laugh, slapping her knee a few times before calming down.

"Oh Jin, you do make me laugh," she says, snorting slightly at the end of her sentence. "I was only joking. These documents are to write down your housing so that the centre knows where you are in case of an emergency. Of course, these documents will only be needed if you are staying with Y/n, they will have to be put away for a bit if you choose to wait for us to find you a place of your own." her eyes seem hopeful when she mentions Y/n, making me eager to know why, but I choose not to push the matter.

"Anyway," she says louder, clearing her throat as she sits up a bit more. "We haven't had any luck with finding anywhere yet for you with regards to your requests. However, Y/n is still open to having you stay with her until you find a place or she helps you find one. She has also agreed that you can hold off job searching for a while, but just until you are sure of what you want to do. She does not expect any sort of payment for staying but she does request that you treat her home with respect if you wish to stay there."

"How do we know we can trust her?" Taehyung asks curiously, still not taking well to the fact of having a human mate. "Well, you don't," she calls out. "But Y/n has housed many hybrids in the past and all have left her care with jobs, housing and a stable future."

Taehyung doesn't say anything, looking away, seemingly in thoughts as he leans back against the wall with his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.

"We will do it," Namjoon says, making a few of us look at him in surprise, not expecting him to accept the offer. "Are you sure?" Moonbyul asks with her pen already on the paper.

"Yes," he says shortly, making me slightly worried in case he has anything planned to make Y/n's life miserable.

She writes down our housing information before standing up. "Okay," she says with a sigh. "I will leave you to it. Y/n should be here to collect you in the morning."

As soon as she leaves, I take her previous seat, crossing my leg over the other before looking towards Namjoon. "What's your plan?" I ask, still suspicious of him.

"Nothing," he denies with a shrug, leaning back on his bed with Kook between his arms. "I just want to give everyone a chance to meet their mate. Just because I don't want her, doesn't mean you guys won't."

Understanding that our leader doesn't want our human mate makes it harder to accept her. The fear of upsetting Namjoon as a leader, alpha and mate being a huge deal for all of us, most importantly for the younger ones.

Without even saying it we all know how it will pan out. 

I was finishing my coffee in the breakroom before I had to head out and go home. Just as I finished the last bit, Moonbyul walked through the door with the biggest smile across her face.

"Something good happened?" I asked while walking towards the sink to wash up my cup. "You'll never guess what happened," she says excitedly after dropping herself down into the nearest seat. "The boys have agreed to move in with you."

My jaw drops in disbelief as I turn to face her. "They what?" I all but scream out, making her curl into herself a bit. "Don't shout," she shouts back, ironically making me laugh a bit.

"Anyway," she says annoyed before slamming her clipboard down on the table. "They will be going home with you tomorrow so be ready."

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