Chapter Twenty-Six

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Taking seven unpredictable hybrids to a busy mall wasn't what I expected...Then again, what did I expect when I just called them unpredictable.

Scoffing to myself, I watch as they all rush towards the sliding doors, leaving me behind with a shy Kookie who seems to shrink behind me despite his size.

"Don't you want to go with them?" I ask softly as his ears flop onto his face, eyes widened and cheeks blushed. He frantically shakes his head as he reaches for my hand, shocking me as he squishes up to my side.

We soon reach the doors, finding the remaining six practically wiggling around in excitement as their eyes dart around the glass dome.

"Now, you guys have to be careful," I say sternly after snapping my fingers to get their attention. "You only have a wristband on which identifies you as mine so there is still a risk of people thinking you're unowned because they automatically look for a collar, okay?"

They all just nod, hardly focusing on me as they sizzle with excitement. Sighing to myself, rolling my eyes, I look around at each of them before saying, "don't go overboard, the cards you have only have a limited amount courtesy of the centre."

Their eyes glisten like a kid in a candy store as they dart off, all going in different directions.

I turn my head to face the bunny still clutching my hand. 

"Wanna explore?"


Jungkook soon loosened up as he came across the baggy dark clothes that seemed to call his attention away from his fear. His little ears wiggled as he slyly darted off to that section of the store.

I follow after him fondly as he shuffles through the clothes carefully. "Found anything you like?" I ask after a while causing his ears to stiffen from where they were standing straight atop his head.

He turns towards me, the glee clear in his eyes as he speaks, "how many can I get?"

I just shrug with a small smile. "Go try on the ones you found and see what you like and what you don't and then we can sort out the pricing of it all."

His hands grab at a bunch of clothes, pulling them from the racks before he's darting for the changing room.

"Such a sweet hybrid you have," a voice speaks from behind me. I turned around to see a lady in tight clothes looking off to where Kook had just ran.

"Is he for sale?" she asks as she turns to look at me with a hopeful look. A strong scent of perfume floods my nose causing it to scrunch in disgust as I take a step back.

I force a smile across my face, clutching the strap of my bag tighter as I tell her, "no, sorry," before walking off to the direction of the changing rooms.

I hear an angry puff of air escape her before she's stomping after me in hurried steps. "Wait," she calls out quite loud, making a few others look towards her.

Frustrated, I turn back towards her with a scowl. "He isn't for sale," I emphasise, leaning closer in her face to tell her despite the irritation it causes to my nose.

"I can offer a lot of money for him," she rushes out panicky as she reaches for her own bag. I huff, rolling my eyes at her as she pulls out her phone. "I'll transfer the money right now," she says absently as she taps at her phone, getting her bank app up.

I push her phone down making her look up at me in slight shock. "Hybrids can be free, you know?" I ask her rhetorically. "He isn't for sale and if he wanted to come with you he could make that decision for himself. You can't buy him from me."

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