Chapter 123: Degree & Pop-Up Shop

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Toronto, Canada

"Maya, I did not give you that dress to wear, take it off now!"

"But Ma!"

"Off now! You're not wearing a sundress to a graduation ceremony. Now put on that blue dress I laid out for you!"

I sighed rubbing my temples as I listened to the commotion in the hallway. My whole family including my aunts and uncles were all here getting themselves ready for my graduation ceremony. Yes, that's right I said it. Graduation ceremony. I'm receiving my degree today. And because it's chaos out there. I'm choosing to lay low in my room. I don't think I can put up with everyone running around trying to figure themselves out.

I straightened my hair. But then I felt like it would look better curled in this dress. I walked over to my closet and dug around for my curling iron. I accidentally knocked over a shoe box on the side spilling a bit on the contents out. I turned towards it and picked it up. Leaning back, I opened it up. I sighed as I slowly pulled out old Polaroids from the 80s. Some were of me and Theresa when she used to be my assistant. Others were of me and Jess. A couple were of me during fashion week with Lisa, Rachel, Jade, and Mel.

As I pulled more out my heart sank. I looked at pictures that I took with Slash. I missed him. His crazy hair, that big brother vibe, and the fun we used to have. I dry swallowed and placed the pictures down on the side. Looking back in the box my shaky hand picked up pictures of Nikki and me. I shuffled through the pictures looking at my annoyed but happy expression when I was with him. He was always taking pictures. I couldn't help but graze my finger over one specific photo. When he got his Kanji tattoo in Japan. He held his thumb up and wrapped his arm around me as I wrapped my arm around him. I then noticed my letter from Japan that I wrote with Mr. Udos' help.

A pitiful whimper came out of my mouth as my eyes started to water. I sniffled and wiped my nose as I heard a knock on my door.

"One sec!" I say with a shaky tone as I place the pictures back in the shoe box and close it up. "You can come in now."

"Hey there kiddo." My uncle smiled walking into the room.

"Hey." I smiled wiping my face.

He walked over and sat down on the floor beside me.

"What's this?" He asked touching the shoe box.

"It's nothing," I mumbled moving the box away from him.

"Well, it must be something if it's making you cry."

"I'm fine." I sniffled again. "Just... excited about today is all."

"You know I'm not your mom, right?"

I shrugged my shoulders and then leaned back on the wall.

"If there are things that... you feel like you want to get out in the open. Like you want to talk. I'm here to listen. You don't have to feel like you have no one to talk to. I know the situation that happened in LA. I'm here Iman."

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