new person, same old mistakes

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tw: violence

{"Feel like a brand new person
But you'll make the same old mistakes"}


March 15th,



I drop the box from my hands, and it slams onto the floor creating a loud booming sound echoing through the hallway. The box seemingly weighed a trillion pounds and there was no way I could carry it all the way downstairs. I'm guessing this box is the one stuffed to the brim with all my books, or my nice glassware. I'm hoping it's not the latter because then they are definitely shattered.

"What the fuck is all the noise about?" Will calls out, walking out of my apartment carrying a different large box.

"I dropped a box, sorry." I say quietly, not wanting to piss him off anymore.

"You see, this is what your neighbors were talking about. You're so careless." Will continues to exclaim.

"I said I was sorry." I mutter under my breath, staring down at my feet in shame.

Will places his box on the ground near his feet, and begins to approach me slowly. When his toes are directly in front of mine, I lift my head to face him fully. His arm extends out in front of his body, reaching out towards me. His hand feathers against my cheek before landing in a gentle grasp along my jaw. He tilts my head to stare directly into his eyes.

"I don't want your apologies, I just want you to not do it again." He says calmly, his dark eyes boring into the depths of my soul.

"Okay." I whisper, a small, fake, smile creeping its way onto my lips.

He leans his head in towards mine, the distance between our faces slowly getting smaller and smaller. His nose brushes mine softly, signaling me to tilt my head a tad. His wet lips meet mine in a short embrace, keeping it simple and boring as always. He pulls back from the kiss with a subtle smile on his lips, and I mimic one onto my own face.

"You know I love you, right?" He asks, keeping his voice quiet as if it were a secret.

"I know." I say, waiting for the butterflies to appear in my stomach, but they never do.

"I love you too." I whisper in the same hushed tone.

His shoulders brush mine as he walks back to grab the box he left on the floor. He passes me in the hall, heading down the stairs towards the moving truck that is parked outside.

I'm moving out of my apartment today.

And by moving out, I mean I got evicted.

My neighbors complained about all the noise coming from my unit and got me kicked out. I'm not even sure what noise they are talking about, seeming as most of my nights are spent alone in my room. I mean, I'd throw an occasional small party that usually died in an hour, or I'd get in a short argument with Will, but that's it. But now I have to pack up all my things and ship them off to my boyfriend's place. I don't mind having to stay with him, his apartment is much nicer than mine was. Plus I'll be closer to my job, so it's kind of a win-win situation.

I've been dating Will for almost a year. We met at a cute coffee shop in the city, he paid for my coffee and we sat and talked all afternoon. He was very charming and very attractive, so the minute he asked to see me again, of course I said yes. We've been practically inseparable since then, I barely have time to see anyone else. But I don't mind because I love him, and he loves me. He told me very early on in our relationship that he was in love with me, and that only made me fall harder. He's the first boyfriend I've ever had, and the idea that someone like him could love me so easily was insane.

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