i will

391 18 1


September 17th

"Sorry! Sorry! Excuse me!" I squeeze through the masses of people at the airport, trying my hardest to run but it's impossible.

I shove my way past people, probably pissing a lot of them off. I can see the large glass doors of the exit in my sights, my feet picking up their speed. Dodging people left and right, nearly tripping over suitcases and strollers, and finally I make it to the doors.

It's midnight and yet the airport is the busiest I've seen it.

"Watch it!" A man yells at me after our shoulders knock together.

"Sorry! I have to go tell my girlfriend I love her!" I yell back in passing.

"This isn't a romcom, watch where you're going!" He yells back, but I brush it off.

I burst through the glass doors, the surprisingly cold air smacking me in the face with my fast pace. I race down the sidewalk with my arm extended out in the air, trying to get the attention of a cab. One spots me and pulls up to the curb slowly. I throw open the yellow door and slide inside quickly.

"If you can get me to twenty-second street quickly, I'll double the rate." My words are rushed and breathless.

"On it, sir." The driver immediately puts the car into drive and pulls away from the curb.

I watch his speedometer and the way he drives ten over the speed limit. My eyes drift to the clock, checking the time and hoping Lorelai is still up at this hour. I know it'll take some convincing for her to even want to see me, let alone speak to me, but I've got forever to prove to her that the magazine was full of lies. My heart drops for a second as I remember her section of the article, and the fact that she could be sitting on some information as well.

My hands nervously pat against my lap, my eyes watching the passing buildings and street signs. We are getting close.

I try to run through what I will say to her when I see her, but I can't seem to focus. All my mind is worried about right now is just getting there. I guess I'll figure it all out as I go.

The cab eventually rolls to a stop along the curb of our apartment building. I throw a wad of cash to the driver before hopping out of the vehicle quickly, expressing my appreciation while slamming the door shut. My feet race to the entrance, the glass doors revealing my anxious and disheveled reflection. I yank open the door, the lobby being dead quiet. My heavy breathing echoes off the walls as I nearly sprint to the elevators.

I press the small button and watch as the elevator doors open almost immediately, using this as a good sign. I watch the numbers rise in the small box, rising faster than usual. The doors fly open once again and I hurry off, racing down the small hallway to the door.


I haven't been here in a while.

I reach in my back pocket for my set of keys, hearing the rattling sound of them bounce off the walls. I jam the correct key into the lock and push the door open, coming face to face with a dark living room.

The house is quiet, seeming like it's been completely abandoned, void of life.

"Lorelai!" I call out, waiting for a response or some sort of sign of her.

I rush further into the room, heading to the hallway that houses both of our doors. My nerves spike as I reach her door, my hand hesitating to knock. I tap my fist against the wood lightly, three times, waiting idly by for her to open the door. When she doesn't come, I knock again, more forcefully this time.

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