honey, honey

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August 2nd

"Hi! It's so great to finally meet you!" I'm pulled into a warm hug by a stranger with a familiar face.

A woman with Harry's face to be exact.

"I'm so glad you were able to make it." The hug feels like home, which is odd since this is our first time meeting, but it only warms my heart.

Harry's mother flew into town today, and I was scared shitless to say the least. While he's being kidnapped by the guys for his bachelor party, I had the task of picking her up from the airport. I wasn't sure how she was going to react to meeting the woman her son is going to marry, a mere two days before the big day. But the large smile on her face, and open arms, tells me everything I need to know about her kind heart. Harry has always talked about his mom with me, but unfortunately since she lives so far away, we've never been able to meet.

Anne pulls away from the hug, placing her hands gently on my cheeks. "You're just as beautiful as H said you were."

My heart bursts in my chest. I know Harry has talked about me to his mother, obviously. I mean, imagine how crazy it would be to fly your mother out to California to get married to a woman she's never heard of before. But still, hearing the words come out of her mouth, makes me want to melt into the floor.

"I could say the same about you!" I laugh, feeling her hands lightly pinch my cheeks.

"Let's get going, shall we? That plane ride was exhausting!" She drops her hold on me, leaning down for her luggage.

I quickly snatch it out of her hands, deciding to wheel it for her. She smiles up at me appreciatively, laughing lightly as we make our way to the exit of the airport.

"So, where is my son tonight?" Her accent is thicker than Harrys, her tone warm and soft.

"All of the guys whisked him away for his bachelor's party, not sure where."

"Oh, I'm so excited to see Mitch!" She gushes, a wide grin on her face. "I remember the first time Harry went over to his house, like it was yesterday. He came home begging for a guitar." She laughs lightly while recalling the memory.

"Harry actually bought Mitch a new guitar when he asked him to be his best man." I fill her in, watching a sad smile grow on her face.

"And what about you? Who's your maid of honor?" She speaks as we finally reach the car. I pop open the passenger side door for her, watching as she slips inside. I throw her luggage into the trunk before rushing over to the driver's side. I hop inside and stick the key in the ignition, hearing the car roar to life.

"My best friend, Faye." I begin pulling away from the curb. "She is actually married to Harry's friend, and Painted Lady's bassist, Zayn."

"Oh! Zayn! Yes!" She gasps, piecing everything together. "Wow. Married already. Things surely do move fast in California!" She laughs.

"Seems like it," I laugh lightly along with her. "Actually, if you don't mind, I have to make a quick pit stop at the loft to pick something up from Faye. I can drop you off at Harry and I's house first, if you'd like. But I also thought you might want to see where Harry and I used to live."

"Oh, no, I'd love to see the loft!" She claps her hands together. "Y'know, Harry used to call me at all hours of the night, telling me about the pretty girl across the hall."

"Are you sure he wasn't talking about Mitch?" I deflect her sweet words with a joke.

"You're funny! No wonder my boy loves you."

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