somebody told me

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January 11th

"Babe! Are you ready to go?" For a change, I'm yelling up to Harry, all ready to leave for the day.

"Coming!" He calls back, and I hear his feet race down the steps.

He reaches me at the bottom of the stairs, out of breath with disheveled hair.

"What were you doing up there?" I reach up, fixing the mess of curls on top of his head.

"Just had to call the band and let them know I wasn't coming to rehearsal today." He leans forward quickly and pecks my cheek.

I laugh and push him away as he whisks past me, snatching his keys off the entry table. He throws open the door, grabbing my hand and yanking me out of the house. He practically skips down the short driveway, unlocking the car and pulling open the passenger side door for me.

"Why do you seem like you're in a hurry?" I laugh, pointing out his quick movements.

"I'm excited!" He gleams, his dimple carving into his cheek.

I slowly sit down in my seat and Harry closes the door for me. He races around the front of the car, tossing open his own door and slipping inside. He jams the keys into the ignition and the car roars to life, the sound of the radio blaring through the speakers. After clicking his seatbelt, his hand extends over the center console and grasps my jaw, turning my face towards him. He leans over the median and kisses my lips quickly, three times, his grin growing wider with every embrace. He settles back into his seat, reaching forward to mess with the station until he lands on one he's happy with. We slowly back out of the driveway and drive down the street towards a location he hasn't told me yet.

"So, where are we going?" I speak up, watching as the houses fly by outside the window.

He reaches his hand over the small space between us, placing it on the top of my thigh. "It's a surprise." He grins.

I place my hand on top of his, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. "Is this surprise something I'll like?"

"Have I ever surprised you with something you didn't like?" He glances over at me with a smirk.

"No, I guess not," I huff.

"You're listening to 107.1 KSAN, and next up we've got a request from a caller. Apparently this song has been on repeat for them all week long, so might as well give them a listen. This is About You by Painted Lady." The radio hums, and my heart skips a beat.

I peer over at Harry, who keeps his eyes on the road, but he has a toothy grin on his face. He squeezes my leg with his hand, but he doesn't say anything about his excitement. We know that their band is getting more traction than ever. Sometimes they get recognized in the streets, and their new tour manager projects that they'll be selling out arenas. It's all so insanely surreal, but Harry does a good job at hiding his elation. But I think our experiences are different for this kind of thing. I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing one of their songs play on the radio, the same rush of adrenaline flowing through me every time. It's the same rush that comes every time I see them perform live, and it all stems from how proud I am of all of them.

I can already tell that whatever Harry has planned for today, no matter what it is, will be amazing. Sitting in a car with the love of my life as we drive down the sunny streets of our favorite city. Listening to the music he put his soul into play through the speakers, a song he wrote about me with Harlow singing out words I wrote for him. Nothing could be better than this right now.


"Did you ever think this is where you'd end up in life?" I speak mindlessly, my eyes shut peacefully as Harry runs his hands through my hair.

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