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a/n: hello! i just want to preface this chapter by saying that i've had this exact chapter planned from the very beginning, knowing i would be using this song. with the recent events involving rex, i will not be tagging his song in the chapter. i will simply just be using the lyrics and part of the title. it is hereby painted lady's song! believe the victims, and fuck disgusting men! okay! enjoy the chapter xoxo


April 16th


"What time is it?" Harry whispers, his head tucked into the crook of my neck. His body is nearly crushing mine, insisting on lying directly on top of me. I run my hands through his hair, staring out the window without a care in the world.

"The sun's just coming up, so we've got some time."

"I've been working on a song..." He mutters, his head lifting to sit on my chest. His eyes glisten in the dark, staring directly into mine.

"Have you?" I question, brushing loose strands of hair out of his face.

"Yeah... Everyone has been working on their parts for it and I think it's time you hear it."

"You're telling me, I finally get to hear a Painted Lady song?"

"Don't make it a big deal, it's not that good." He immediately gets insecure, something I've learned is a defense mechanism for him.

"I'm sure it'll be amazing." I assure, leaning forward a tad to plant a kiss onto his forehead.

"Oh! That reminds me, I have something to show you!"

"Something to show me! I'm intrigued!"

I begin to lift my body off the bed, using all my strength to push Harry off, but he doesn't budge. He groans loudly when my back raises from the mattress. I push his limp body to the other side of my bed, finally able to take a full breath in. He grabs onto my arm, attempting to pull me back into bed.

"No! Baby, don't get-"

We both freeze, Harry not bothering to finish his sentence. My body is frozen, my legs stuck midair about to touch the floor. I slowly turn my head towards Harry, his eyes wide with surprise. My eyebrows are raised and a shy smile rests on my lips.

"Did you just-"


"I think you did-"

"No I didn't."

"It's okay if you did,-"

"Just grab your thing."

I laugh lightly and tiptoe to my closet. Everyone is still asleep and I really don't want to wake anyone, so we have to be very quiet. I open my closet doors and reach into the back, my hand fishing around for what I'm looking for. I grab onto the poster and yank it out. I turn back around, facing my bed, and I hide the poster behind my back. Harry's face screws up in confusion, his body slowly raising to a seated position. I skip over to my bed and jump onto the end of it, sitting criss cross in front of Harry.

"Why am I nervous?" I say, my heart racing a tad.

"C'mon Lor, just show me." Harry whispers, his body inching closer to mine until our knees touch.

"Let me preface it with a backstory," Harry groans. "I kind of forgot I had made this. I put it all together when we got home from the city, before..." Harry's face drops, remembering clearly what occurred that night. He places his hand on my knee, rubbing small reassuring circles into my skin. "It's a very rough draft, a simple sketch. We can totally rethink it, maybe just throw the whole thing away! Just know it's in its very early stages-" I begin to ramble.

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