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February 11th

"I can't do it. I just can't." Harry sighs, his voice thick with emotion.

"That isn't really an option here, honey." I stand in the doorway, counting down every second that passes.

"Tell them we aren't coming anymore." He huffs, crouched onto his knees in the dark room.

"We can't do that." I check my watch, seeing that we are already ten minutes late to leaving.

"Well why not!" Harry whines.

"Because you're nominated! You have to show up!" I stomp my foot down like I am scolding a child.

"I don't understand how you can be so okay with leaving our perfect little sweet angel already?" His head turns to the crib, where our two month old daughter, Stella, sleeps.

"She's already asleep, she won't even notice that we left!" I whisper shout.

"You hear that Star? Mommy doesn't care about leaving you all alone. She'd rather go out to some over the top award show than spend the night with her precious angel." The sounds of Stella's soft snores are a response to Harry.

"C'mon Harry, we're already late as it is."

"Fine!" He groans, finally standing from the floor and leaning over the crib to give Stella a kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams Star, wish Daddy good luck."

He walks over to me with a cheesy smile, immediately intertwining our fingers as we exit her room. He closes the door softly behind us and we softly walk down the hall.

"Genuinely though, how are you so okay with going out?" Harry mutters as we walk down the stairs.

"I mean, I'm with her twenty-four seven, seven days a week, four weeks a month, for two months straight." I sigh. "It's still hard to leave her, but I am more than ready for a night just you and me."

"And about a thousand other strangers," He quips.

"Still better than dirty diapers and spit up." We reach the bottom of the stairs, and our nanny for the night greets us.

"You guys off?" Joselyn, a teen we found from some reputable sources, walks us to the door.

"Yes, finally." I sigh with a laugh.

"Stella's upstairs asleep. She should stay asleep until we get back, but just in case we have milk in the fridge. She won't sleep without her teddy, so make sure it doesn't fall out of the crib. She likes to kick it onto the floor. I find humming a song will lull her back to sleep easily if she does wake up. And if you need absolutely anything, or incase of emergency, call us. It doesn't matter if I'm on stage accepting the award, I will answer and come straight home. Got it?" Harry rattles off this protective parent list.

"I've got it," Joselyn smiles. "You guys have fun tonight! Good luck, Mr. Styles!"

"Oh! And don't forget to take photos! I have the camera on the table in the kitchen. I don't want to miss a single thing!" I call out as we swiftly exit the front door.

"Look who's missing her now," Harry taunts, leading me down the driveway to the car that waits at the curb.

"I never said I wasn't gonna miss her! Of course I am. In fact it pains me to leave! But, that doesn't mean I could do without a night of crying." I defend myself.

"You're gonna have to deal with my crying all night."

"Don't say that," I shove his side lightly. "You're gonna win."

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