cherry wine

770 28 7

{"The blood is rare
And sweet as cherry wine"}


April 9th


Harry enters the room slowly, looking extremely confused. His eyes stay focused on my face as he approaches the couch. Everyone greets him but he doesn't say a word. I watch as his eyes flick back and forth from where my bruise is to the red lipstick on my lips. The lipstick that William bought for me for special occasions. I think tonight qualifies as a pretty special occasion.

Harry sits down on the couch with the rest of us, still not acknowledging anyone in the room.

"What's going on?" He speaks to the group, but his eye contact makes it seem like the question was for me.

"We are going to dinner." Harlow responds.

When everyone had gotten home, Faye and I were in the living room. I gave them a very brief explanation on William and I's relationship, what occurred a couple nights ago, and what the plan is tonight. They all instantly jumped on board, coming up with different plans and Mitch coming up with costume ideas to hide his identity. They were all extremely sympathetic with me, and expressed their care. They tackled me in a large group hug but changed the subject because they didn't want to force me to talk about it any longer.

"Dinner?" Harry questions again.

"Yeah, gotta be there for Lori-poo when she shatters that heinous beast of a man's heart." Mitch explains. "Oh! Mad respect for what you did the other night." The group murmurs agreements on their respect for Harry.

Harry's face pales quickly, his eyes going a bit wide and his shoulders tensing. He looks frightened and embarrassed, like he didn't want the group to know that he helped me.

"Yeah... It's whatever." He mutters under his breath.

"It's not whatever. You were there for Lori when no one else was. Thank you, seriously." Faye comments, her tone one of pure sincerity.

"And you are?"

"Oh right, duh. I'm Faye, Lorelai's platonic soulmate." Faye extends her hand out towards Harry, to which he shakes firmly.

"So what's the plan, sit there and observe?" Harry asks, not understanding the plan in its entirety.

"And eat expensive food, yes." Harlow replies, a large grin on her face.

I check the time on my cell phone, seeing that we have thirty minutes before we have to be at the restaurant. My nerves grow, knowing I will have to be face to face with William again so soon. I'm nervous for how he will react, but I know that I will be safe with everyone so close by.

"I'm gonna use the restroom, then we should leave." I stand from the couch, not really needing to use the bathroom but needing a second alone.

I walk towards the hall, hearing the conversation start up again with a random topic. My anxiety eats me whole as I reach the bathroom door, pushing it open and rushing inside. I pace the room, shaking out my limbs and attempting to crack any tension in my neck. I walk to the sink, making eye contact with myself through the mirror. I give myself a mental pep talk, walking through the entire night in my head.


"I'm gonna use the restroom, then we should leave." Lorelai stands from the couch and races to the bathroom.

My eyes follow her until she is out of my sight. I could see the anxiety in her eyes, and I know she must be freaking out right about now. Conversation strikes back up within the group, but I'm not listening. I can't help but think that tonight could end in disaster. The fact that it will be in a public place with us nearby eases my mind. I just couldn't bear seeing Lorelai hurt like that again, and I hate that I am letting it affect me this much.

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