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{"I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as your leaving
And life will lose all its meaning"}


April 29th


I've been on a high since we got signed. I've been walking differently, talking differently, and I have a completely new outlook on life. Things are only looking up in my eyes, and absolutely nothing could get in my way.

"...and we'll have exactly four kids. Three girls and one boy, but the boy will be the oldest so he can protect his sisters. We'll live in a big house with a white picket fence..."

Maybe I spoke too soon.

It seems I may have made a small mistake when calling Caroline my girlfriend that day. Since then she hasn't left. She brought some of her things to the loft and has been sleeping here every night. I don't mind having a warm body to sleep next to every night, but I do mind her constant daydreaming about our future. We've essentially only been dating for three days, and she's already picking out our wedding venue.

The rest of the group has been weird, distant, since she started staying here. They are always talking in the living room, but as soon as I enter, they stop. I know they have their opinions on my new relationship, but I don't really care. I'm happy, and that's all that matters. Right?

The worst is Lorelai. She can't seem to keep her laughter to herself when Caroline is around and it always puts a tamper on her mood. I don't ever feel like explaining the complicated past of Lorelai and I, so I can never give Caroline the real reason why she is short with her. If they all just got along, it'd make my life a hundred times better.

"I'm gonna grab a snack, I'll be right back." I stand up off my bed, slipping on a sweatshirt.

"Okay, don't be too long, pookie. I miss you already!" Caroline yells out behind me, and I slam the door.

I fake gag on the other side of my door.

I walk into the kitchen, seeing Mitch cooking up something in the toaster.

"Hey." I greet him, brushing past him to get to the fridge.

"Hey man, haven't seen you in a couple days."

"Really? I feel like I haven't seen you lately. Always hushed conversations and fleeing from the room." I say in an offended tone.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, and I close the fridge without grabbing anything out of it.

"Ever since I brought Caroline home it seems like everyone is avoiding me."

"Well how'd you expect us to react when she..." His sentence dies.

"When she is what?"

"Man, c'mon, you have eyes."


"Dude, she is like a carbon copy of..." His eyes dart around the room, making sure we're alone. "You-know-who." He whispers.

"Lorelai?" I whisper back and he nods his head.

"You're a crazy man, they look nothing alike!"

"Agree to disagree?" He says cheerfully.

"Her looks aside, I'd really appreciate it if you guys could at least try to make her feel welcome. She's not going anywhere anytime soon." I explain my thoughts, hoping he'll be understanding.

"So you're in it for the long run with her?" I nod my head.

"Okay... then yeah, I'll be nicer or whatever."

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