cotton eye joe

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March 16th


A harsh ray of light temporarily blinds me through my eyelids. I scrunch my nose in discomfort, turning my body in the opposite direction of the sun. The sheets that cover my body heat up from the bright light, making it uncomfortable to stay still. I toss and turn, attempting to find a position where I can fall back asleep.

A warm body suddenly curves behind mine, and a large arm wraps around my torso. My body heat rises at an astronomical rate, causing me to start sweating lightly. The body, which I am hoping is Will, slightly lifts off the mattress. He begins planting small kisses against the back of my neck. They travel all around the side of my neck, venturing towards my jaw. I smile to myself at the sweet gesture, turning my body around to face him instead.

Once I am facing him fully, he continues to kiss all around my face. He doesn't miss a single spot; my forehead, my cheeks, my nose, my eyelids, my temples. They've all been graced by his small, wet, lips. His lips meet mine in a quick embrace, pecking them multiple times. I smile into the kisses, making it hard to kiss him back. I break out into a fit of giggles, throwing my head back to halt his attack.

He grasps onto my head to keep it facing towards him, staring deeply into my eyes.

"Good morning my beautiful girl." He whispers, leaning in again to connect our lips.

He kisses me passionately, our lips molding together slowly. I inhale deeply through my nose, shutting my eyes, and taking in the moment. My stomach swirls with butterflies, swearing I can see fireworks behind my eyes.

The morning after we fight, Will is always so sweet and attentive. He always wakes me up with affection and keeps his actions gentle and slow. He mutters his appreciation into my burning skin, repeating the words like a mantra. He glows on days like these, like a warm bright light that I want to stay around forever.

He lays his head back down onto his pillow, keeping his eyes trained on my face. His eyes bore into mine, carrying compassion and lust. He stares at me as if he were memorizing every pore and wrinkle on my face. His warm palm caresses my cheek lightly, sending a shock of pain through my face. I subtly flinch away from the touch, pinching my eyes shut.

"I'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean to get so angry." Will whispers, staring at the spot where he had hit me last night.

I stay silent through his apologies. I've learned from the past to just let him air out all his grievances and just move on.

"It won't happen again, I promise." He says, holding my jaw tightly to further prove his point.

I believe him.

I always do.

Even though he continues to do it, it's hard not to forgive him when he acts like this. I smile slightly at him, nodding my head to show my acknowledgment.

He sits up from the bed and stretches his limbs in the air. I stare at his strong back as he steps off the bed and slips out of the bedroom. I flip to lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I can't wipe the smile off my face and my cheeks are beginning to ache.

I stand from the bed and walk towards the bathroom. I flick the light on and am shocked for a moment by the bright light. My reflection stares back at me through the glass. My eyes glisten with joy, my cheeks still hold the blush from earlier, and my lips are frozen in a tiny smirk. I look happy, relaxed, and content. Maybe staying with Will for the next couple of weeks won't be the worst thing in the world.

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