are you gonna be my girl?

532 21 3


June 25th


"Five minutes till showtime!" Three harsh knocks land on the wooden door, separating us from the hectic rushing bodies in the hallways.

Harry paces the small dressing room, looking more nervous than I've ever seen him, and I'm not sure why. He's performed before, and he's done so well, so I don't know what has him so rattled this time.

"Harry, baby, just sit down for a second."

"Can't." He breathes heavily, his long legs taking him across the room in a mere three steps.

"I don't get why you're so nervous, you're going to do great, just like you always do."

"It's just- Tonight's different... There's more riding on tonight."

"What's different tonight? It's the same set, same lyrics, same everything. It's going to go great and you're going to have so much fun." I try to reassure him, not wanting him to be stressed out on stage.

"You're right." He sighs, agreeing unbelievably. "It'll be fine." He flashes a small smile that looks forced.

I stand from the small couch, walking over to him in the middle of the room. I take his face in my hands, forcing him to stare into my eyes. His nervous eyes meet mine reluctantly, but as soon as they connect I can feel him loosen up under my touch.

"I'm so proud of you. You are amazing and insanely talented, and I will fight anyone who disagrees." He breaths a slight laugh at my words, his eyes focusing on my lips as I talk. "If you ever feel nervous on stage, just look for me in the control box."

His arms slowly lace around my back, pulling my body into him. He leans down as I raise onto my toes. He leans in and kisses me slowly, our lips molding together for just a few seconds. He pulls back with a sweet smile on his lips, his eyes trained on my face.

"Have I ever told you how much I like you?" He whispers, a serene bubble forming around us.

"You have, but feel free to tell me again." I joke with a smile on my face.

"I'll tell you for as long as you'll allow me." His words melt my heart, my entire body feeling fuzzy with how many emotions are running through me.

He leans in once again, his face mere centimeters away from mine.

The door to the dressing room swings open harshly, the noise of commotion from outside flooding into the room and popping the bubble.

"Hey! Lovebirds! We've kinda gotta show to do." Zayn trudges into our room, the rest of the band standing silently behind him.

"It's showtime!" I whisper to Harry, watching the nerves overtake his features once again.

He leans down and pecks my lips quickly three times, making me laugh into the kisses.

"My eyes!" Mitch yells, fleeing from our sight in the hallway.

Harry grabs my hand and pulls me along as we walk out into the hallway with everyone else. We walk past all the strangers that are rushing around the small space frantically, everyone yelling at each other and bumping into one another. They all part like the red sea as we walk through, some staring longer than others as Harry walks by. I hold him closer as we walk.

We get to the side of the stage, the sound of the crowd entering our eardrums. It sounds like a packed house, hundreds of people conversing with one another while patiently waiting for the band.

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