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January 1st

"Stella! Get back here!" I scream out into the garden, chasing after her small frame.

"Catch me, Mommy!" Laughter bubbles in her throat as she runs in a zigzag pattern, making it nearly impossible to catch her.

"Stella, you are going to get your dress dirty!" She zooms past me, and just before I can catch her, she runs in the other direction. "Jesus, we gotta get you in track." I mutter under my breath.

"Stella Marie Styles, if you do not stop this instant, you're going to timeout!" She stops the second she hears the dreaded word, her face instantly contorting into distress.

"No! Mommy! I stopped! See!"

I stand in the middle of the backyard with a hand on my back, attempting to catch my breath.

"Star? Are you giving Mommy a workout?" I hear a familiar voice call out from the deck.

"Daddy!" Stella squeals, and as I look up, I see her sprint towards him. He kneels down onto the ground and opens his arms just in time for her to crash into him. He lifts her up off the ground and bounces her in his arms till she is dying of laughter. I slowly make my way over to them with a large smile on my face.

"Hey, Star, I think I saw Auntie Faye and Uncle Zayn pulling into our driveway! Why don't you go say hi to Vivian?"

"Okay daddy!" He sets her down on the floor and she sprints back into the house.

We both let out a deep breath of relief and I walk the few steps up to the deck to be face to face with Harry. He lifts his hand to push some stray hairs out of my face, and I swear no matter how many times I see him, I'll always blush under his stare.

"Did you get the cake?" I ask, closing my eyes as his hand caresses my face.

"Mhm," He hums. "Everything's all ready inside."

"Thank you," I breathe, feeling a weight being lifted off my shoulders now that this day is finally here.

"How are you feeling today?" He tugs me closer, placing his other hand on my large belly bump.

"Tired, but it's fine." I melt into his touch.

"Has he been nice today?" His thumb strokes circles into my clothed stomach.

"No," I laugh. "Been kicking my uterus all day."

"He'll be out soon, then we can be the happiest family of four." His eyes light up as he speaks about our children.

"Hopefully not too soon. Couldn't imagine the fit Stella would throw if she had to share her birthday." Harry laughs lightly at my words, tugging me into my chest and holding me close.

"I sure am gonna miss the sight of you pregnant, though. I swear I've never seen anything more beautiful."

"Too bad, cause this is it. Once he's out, I'm done!"

"Whatever you want, babyhoney." He kisses the top of my head gently.

"Uh- Excuse me! I'm not here to babysit! Get your asses in here!" Harlow peeks her head out of the house, scolding us like a mom.

Harry jokingly groans and he backs away from me, grabbing my hand and leading me back into the house. Everything is set up perfectly for today, the pink balloons, the streamers and all the presents lined up by the fireplace. I have to give most of the credit to all of my friends and to Harry for doing this. I'm far too pregnant, and have been far too tired to have been able to do any of this, so instead I was put on Stella duty.

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