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{"See our friends
See the sights
Feel alright"}


April 5th


"Am I showing too much ass, or not enough?" Harlow stands in the middle of my room, examining her outfit in the mirror. She repeatedly pulls her shorts lower and higher, trying to decide which is better.

"I think you are showing the perfect amount of ass!" I assure, mentally checking off a list of things I will need today.

"I should've had girl friends sooner, the guys usually get uncomfortable and weird when I ask them that."

It's been a week since I've been fully moved into the loft, and it's been interesting to say the least. I've gotten comfortable with everyone's routine, now knowing their strict bathroom schedule. I've already grown accustomed to when I will usually see everyone throughout the day. Harlow is a waitress so her hours are ever changing, but I can always count on running into her in the early mornings or very late nights. Mitch usually works nights at the pizza place down the street, meaning we are usually the only two people in the loft during the day. Zayn constantly disappears and reappears throughout the day, and I still have no idea what he does for a living. Harry is usually out of the door around noon to open the music store, but even when he'd say he would be home around dinner he would never show. He always said something came up, or that he had to close late, but I can't help but feel like he's hiding something.

Maybe he's in the mafia or something.

I rustle through my purse, triple checking that I have everything. Then check to make sure my cellphone is charged just in case Will texts while we are out.

Somehow, everyone in the loft had today off work, so I made the plan for us all to go out and do something together. When I first pitched the plan, practically nobody agreed, but with some heavy convincing and major guilt tripping, they finally said yes.

Two soft knocks land on the other side of my door, the hinges slowly creaking open, revealing Mitch on the other side.

"You girls ready?"

"Watch." Harlow mutters to me.

"Mitch, too much ass or not enough?" She repeats her question that was once for me.

Mitch instantly pales and becomes visibly uncomfortable. His eyes widen to the point where I fear they may pop right out of his head. His eyes frantically dance around the room, looking to me for some guidance. I simply shrug my shoulders and watch as he slowly cracks.

Without saying a word, Mitch's body flies down the hall, disappearing from my doorway. My eyes dart to Harlow and I can tell she is trying extremely hard not to burst out laughing. She adjusts her shorts one more time before sitting at the end of my bed. Her distraction caused me to forget if I was missing something in my bag, so I lean back in and check one more time.

"Jesus how many times are you gonna check your bag?!" Harlow groans, tossing her body backwards into my bed.

"I just want to make sure I'm not forgetting anything." I mutter.

"We are just going to the city for the day, not to another country." She states as I check my phone for any messages.

"Why do you keep checking your phone?" She asks, raising onto her elbow to try to peer at the small screen.

"Why are you so nosy?" I respond defensively, instantly regretting my tone. I sigh before adding, "I'm just checking if Will has texted me."

"And Will is...?" Her sentence trails off, surprising me that I haven't mentioned him yet.

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