about you

389 23 10


August 4th

"And you're one-hundred percent sure that this is what you want?"

"Yes, Faye. For the hundredth time, yes." I groan, throwing all my clothes into my suitcase. "I told you, Harry and I talked about it and we agreed this would be for the best."

"I know," She sighs loudly. "I'll just miss you."

"Everyone keeps saying that," I laugh dryly. "I'm only gonna be home for like a week! I bet I'll be bored and come back prematurely."

"Well don't do that,"

"I don't want you to miss me too bad," I joke, my smile dropping when I notice the serious expression on her face.

"Lori, you're going home so that you learn to take care of yourself. Heal from all the shit Harry has put you through these past couple of weeks. Don't rush your healing, or else you will come back and be just as unhappy." She keeps eye contact with me as she speaks, her words hitting me like a bus. "Plus, I'm gonna need time to whip Harry into shape," She laughs.

"But what if I miss you guys too much?" My heart already hurts at the idea of not seeing my friends for however long I'll be gone.

"Then you can call me, whenever you need, I'll pick up." She smiles warmly.

"And what if I never heal, or Harry doesn't change?" Our conversation has quickly become serious.

"You will," She assures me like she knows something I don't. "And you said it yourself, you saw your Harry still in there the other night. You both just need time apart for a bit."

"I really hope he gets better fast," I sigh. "I love him too much to let him slip away." The words have become easier to say aloud, but I'm still too scared to tell anyone but Faye.

"And if my suspicions are correct, and he loves you just as much, he'll do anything to make you stay." Her words bring a smile to my face, even during this somber talk.

"Well," I sigh loudly. "That's everything." I stare at my overstuffed suitcase, amazed at how many things I've collected in such a short time.

"What time is your bus?" Faye asks, knowing I have to take a bus to the train station.

I've decided to take a train back to San Francisco. Yes, it'll be a longer journey, but flights were far too expensive. Plus, the long train ride will give me more time to think.

"It's at noon," I breathe the words, checking my watch for the time.

"Well then we better get you to the bus stop." Faye jumps down from Zayns bunk, landing on the unstable floor below.

I grab the handle of my suitcase and wheel it behind myself as I walk to the door of the bus. My feet stay close behind Faye's as she throws open the rickety door. She helps me lift my suitcase down the three steps, the wheels hitting the concrete below.

We conveniently parked the tour bus a block away from where the bus will be picking me up. The whole band stands at the exit of the tour bus, watching me exit with sad smiles on their faces. There's a large imaginary gray cloud looming over all of their heads, only making this harder for me.

There's an awkward silence as my eyes drift to every person waiting for me. Niall has a closed lip smile on his face, his eyes void of emotion. Harlow stands next to Micth, her eyes glossy. Whereas Mitch lets the tears flow freely, cradling Sarah in his arms for comfort. Zayn pulls Faye into a side hug, putting on a brave face and comforting her in this moment. If you were to see us right now, you'd probably think I am dying.

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