my cherie amour

279 16 4


January 10th

"I feel like we haven't hung out in so long," Faye peers over at me.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just everything with Harry kinda made the rest of the world stop for a bit," I sigh, feeling bad about being so distant recently.

"Don't apologize," Her voice is stern. "I can't even imagine what it's like to witness someone you love go through something like that."

"Yeah," I breathe. "But he's getting better. Finally back at band rehearsal, so you're probably seeing him more than me," I laugh.

"Band rehear-? Oh, yeah," She laughs awkwardly. "Well, I'm glad you gave me a reason to get out of that loft for once."

"How did I give you a reason? You practically dragged me here!"

"Are you saying you didn't want to have a girls day with your best friend?!" She fakes offense.

"Yes." I deadpan jokingly.

I woke up this morning to a phone call from Faye demanding we go out today. She said she had a whole day planned for us, full of pampering and relaxation. Honestly, nothing would have sounded better, so of course I agreed. Harry fled from the house right before I left, heading to the loft for more rehearsal with the band. He's been doing a lot better. He's going out and engaging with everyone, and he always tells me how he's feeling day to day. It's surprising to me how fast he can just jump right back into everything, but he always tells me how excited he is to go to the loft and prepare. I'm just glad he's doing better, even if the secretive band practices have to return.

"What color are you getting?" Faye leans over to me, trying to get a peek at my nails.

"Red." I always feel most confident with red nails.


"So what's next on the agenda?" The lady puts the finishing touches on my nails.

"Facials, and then maybe hit up the mall?"

"Can we end the day at the loft, I really miss hanging-"

"No." Faye cuts me off harshly. "Sorry, I mean- How about we go back to your place and watch a movie or something?"

"Why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?" I quirk an eyebrow at her.

"You're paranoid," She laughs nonchalantly.


I might rip Faye's head off.

She dragged us to the mall, forcing us to go into every store and look at every piece of clothing, just for her to be on the phone for most of it. She follows far behind me, whispering into her phone. I'm bored of looking at clothes, and I'd do anything to just go back home, but she insisted I find something to buy. I don't even need clothes, especially not from these overpriced stores. Her behavior today is weirding me out, being so secretive about god knows what. I have a feeling in my gut that it somehow correlates to Harry's weird behavior, but I'm just not sure how the two would connect.

I pull out a random hanger, holding the piece of clothing up against my body just to try and elicit any sort of response from Faye. The dress on the hanger is, if I'm honest, ugly. It's something I'd never normally pick out, and it's something Faye would burn if she ever saw me wear it. I snap my fingers to get her attention, showing her the dress with an expression that says I'm considering it.

"Cute!" She quickly rushes the words out, hardly even looking at the dress itself. She instantly goes back to her conversation on the phone, whatever is being said on the other line looks to be stressing her out.

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