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April 7th

"Thank you Boston! We'll see you soon!" I yell into the microphone as we all rush off the stage, finishing off another great show.

I run down the stairs on the back of the stage, hurriedly rushing to the exit to try and beat traffic. The clothes I wear on stage leave a trail behind me as I strip them off, a random arena worker running beside me handing me my sweats. While performing our short encore, I watched Lorelai rush to the back to pack all of things to make our exit smoother. As I make my way to the back door, I yell out thank you's to everyone in the building. The rest of the band slowly makes their way into their dressing rooms, enjoying hanging out in the venues after the show to celebrate. I, however, would rather celebrate in the comfort of my own hotel room, so I always make sure to rush out of the building as fast as I can.

I burst through the metal doors in the back, sprinting straight to the running car that patiently awaits. I throw open the back door and slip inside, and the car begins to pull away before I even close the door behind myself. I let out a large breath as I finally get a chance to rest, laying my head back against the seat. There's a small kiss planted on my temple, and my eyes flutter open, staring at Lorelai who curls herself into my side. She rests her head on my shoulder as she keeps her eyes glued to the magazine in her hands.

"Another great show," She gushes as I place my own head on top of hers. "That note change you did in Only Angel had me almost jumping onto the stage like a crazed fan."

"Wouldn't mind if you did," I mutter mindlessly, my whole body aching after a tiring performance.

"Calla Lilies, or Gardenias?"

"Huh?" I turn my attention to the pages in her hands.

"For my bouquet and your boutonniere."

For the past couple of months, Lorelai has made it her life's mission to plan the perfect wedding. She has purchased countless amounts of books and magazines on everything you would need to know, always having her nose deep in one of them no matter where we are. She's always on the phone with some sort of company, whether it be for chairs, food, or napkins; she has been negotiating with them.

"Baby, why don't we just hire a planner. I told you I found a great one," I groan, not being the most enthusiastic about all the planning.

"Because I want to do it," She speaks stubbornly. "I've got nothing better to do while you soundcheck, or rehearse, so why not plan out our day myself?"

"I just don't want you to stress yourself out too much." I place my hands over hers, pulling the magazine away from her face.

"I'm not stressed!" She laughs breathlessly. "I like doing this, it's like a game."

"A wedding planning game? You would play that?" I huff a laugh.

"Mhm," She hums, nodding her head once.

"You're a nerd." I turn my head to face the front windshield.

"Okay Mr. almost cried when he heard they are releasing another Zelda game," She scoffs, bringing the magazine back to her face.

"Hey! Those aren't just video games! They are stories!" I defend, lifting my head off the seat to stare into her smiling eyes. She raises a knowing eyebrow at me, a taunting smile threatening to break free on her lips. "What were my options?" I huff, throwing myself back onto the seat.

"Calla Lilies or Gardenias." She pushes the magazine in front of my face, showing me pictures of the two options.

"Gardenias. They smell better, and they'll look better with the baby's breath."

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