meet me in the hallway

544 16 33


May 28th


I wake up every day to the sounds of birds singing outside my window. The sun casting a gorgeous shadow into my room, peacefully waking me from my slumber. I don't use an alarm, my body is fixed to a regular schedule naturally. I always make it a point to stretch in the morning, and take time to do light meditation. The mornings are my favorite time of day.

That's why I'm eternally grateful that on this blessed morning, my meeting was canceled.

It's only seven in the morning, but I'm wide awake. I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to, and I definitely don't want to. Instead of going to a boring meeting about how my team is failing to do their jobs, I figured I'd go surprise my girlfriend.

I've already gotten ready for the day, heading out of the door at seven-fifteen sharp.

I take the long elevator ride down to the underground garage, listening to my feet scratch the pavement as I venture to my car. I slip into the driver's seat, starting the car and warming up my body from the cold morning air. I pull out of the garage to the empty streets, only the people crazy enough to be out of bed at this hour occupying the roads.

I drive to the nearest coffee shop, knowing Lorelai will be upset with me if I wake her up and don't have a coffee in hand. I park my car along the street, jumping out and walking into the small shop. A bell dings above my head as the small staff greets me. I walk up to the front counter and place my order, making sure to throw in a blueberry muffin for Lorelai as well.

I wait patiently for the coffee, never knowing how some people can be so impatient with customer service workers. As soon as they call out my name, I take the order from the counter and thank the staff sincerely. The bell dings above my head once again as I exit.

On my walk back to my car, I pass by a small street vendor selling millions of different flowers. I walk over to the man's small booth and he greets me kindly. I ask him for a bundle of baby's breath, knowing they're Lorelai's favorite. He hands me the flowers and I tip him graciously.

I walk back to my car, flowers and coffee in hand. I practically skip through the empty streets, not being able to contain the genuine happiness radiating from my body.

I sit back into my car and take a second to breathe, always feeling like I am going and going. I think about the night before, and what a fun night it was.

If we are being honest here, I think Lorelai is hiding something from me. She never feels fully present these days, always drifting off into a land inside her own mind. There's a thought that's been prevalent in my head for a couple weeks and I can't seem to shake it. I can deny it and deny it all I want, but I fear that it's true. And if that is the case, there's nothing I can do other than be the best boyfriend I can be for as long as she'll allow me.

The drive to Lorelai's house is fairly short, only getting stuck at a few annoying stop lights. I park along the curb of her building, greeting the front desk lady as I walk through the small lobby. I take the short elevator ride up to her floor, and pray that their door is unlocked or that someone is awake. I know I shouldn't want her door to be unlocked, but how else would I sneak in to surprise her?

Luck is in my favor, because it is, and I make it a point to lock it behind myself. I creep through the loft like a mouse, knowing that the group here are all late risers, especially after the night they had. I tiptoe to the hallway that houses Lorelai's room, quietly grasping onto her door knob and pushing open the door. It creaks slightly and I wince with the noise.

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