everybody talks

718 24 8


April 25th


I hate folding laundry.

It's a strenuous task that in the end means nothing. Why do I spend thirty minutes making all my clothes look nice, just to unfold it and get it dirty again. Don't even get me started on folding underwear.

The only thing that helps me get through this torture is playing loud music to drown out my heinous thoughts.

I have two large baskets full of clean laundry that have been sitting in the corner of my room for days. I have my work uniform in there, and I get in trouble if it is wrinkly, so I'm kinda forced to fold them. I just wish there was an easier way to get it done faster. I could go on for hours about how much I hate laundry.

Two knocks land on my door, breaking me from my cycle.

"Loft meeting in five minutes!" Lorelai yells through my door, and I hear her feet walk away and perform the same task on everyone else's door.

I have no idea what this meeting could be about.

Is she moving out? Has someone not been doing their dishes? Did Mitch not clean his beard hair out of the sink again?

I don't really care what this meeting is about.

It takes me away from folding laundry, so if anything I'm grateful. I finish folding the shirt in my hands, before placing the half empty basket back on the floor where it belongs. I throw on one of my sweatshirts before walking out of my room.

No one is out here yet, just Lorelai pacing the living room. She looks nervous, which makes me nervous. She doesn't notice me approaching, but as soon as she sees me sit on the couch, she jumps a bit in surprise.

"What's this meeting about?" I ask casually, trying to gauge if I will need snacks or not.

"You'll see." She responds, but she doesn't look angry, a large smile rests on her face.

Mitch is the next to join us in the living room. His hair is a mess, and he is still in his pajamas. Sarah the cat wiggles in his hold, attempting to break free.

"Does Sarah need to be here?" He asks before sitting down on the couch.

"No, she doesn't." Lorelai laughs a bit at his ridiculous question.

"Okay, good. She was pretty nervous that it had something to do with her." He drops Sarah onto the floor, and the cat darts back to Mitch's room.

Mitch sits next to me on the couch, rubbing his tired eyes. Zayn then emerges from the hallway, looking a bit too chipper this morning. He walks like he is floating mid air, a satisfied grin on his face. Either he's hiding something, or he's already high at nine in the morning.

Harry is the last to join us. He saunters out of his room, looking like he just got back from hell. His hair is matted on top of his head, and it looks as if he hasn't gotten out of bed for days. Which honestly makes sense because it's been a few since I've seen him. It's odd, because hardly a week ago he was spending more time outside of his room and conversing more. He was writing more music and had a new motivated mindset. That seems to have gone out the window, along with his hairbrush.

He plops himself down onto the couch, furthest from everyone else. His eyes are closed and his eyebrows are pinched together in distress. It looks as if it physically pains him to be in this room with us.

"Okay! Now that we're all here, we have some things to discuss." Lorelai starts, her pacing halts and a demanding tone leaving her lips.

"If this is about my beard hair, I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" Mitch yells about before Lorelai even has a chance to say anything.

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