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December 31st

"Harry! Get your ass up here!" Lorelai screeches from upstairs, her tone angry and impatient.

This is how it's been for the past couple of weeks. She's nearing her due date so she's never been more uncomfortable in her life. That means more mood swings, more tears, and lots of braxton hicks contractions. I swear we've nearly ran out the door eight times this week because we thought it was time. We've got everything ready for when the baby does decide to pop; the nursery, our hospital bag, and a bunch of diapers and clothes. My mother went a bit overboard at the baby shower. But, we're so ready to the point where we are practically on the edge of our seats. Every kick, every small cramp, every single thing makes us think the baby is coming. And every single time my heart drops out of my ass.

I've been doing my research, going to the parenting and birthing classes, but I don't think anything can really prepare you for becoming a parent. I'm lucky to have so many outlets of people I'm able to talk about my fears with, but it doesn't shake the nerves. I still feel like somehow I'll fuck it up. I mean, we've put the music aside for the last month so that I could be ready whenever Lorelai needs me, but what happens when the baby is here? The public is expecting an album from us, and an album means a tour. How is tour life with a child going to go? Will I lose my spark for music with a baby around? Will it change my style of music and blacklist us from the industry?

God. I need to get out of my head. Everything will be fine.

I walk up the stairs slowly, like I'm entering a room with a beast. I have to take multiple deep breaths before entering our room, plastering on a large smile and waltzing in.

"Get that dumb smile off your face," She mutters, staring at me through the mirror.

"Sorry," I whisper, dropping the smile from my face. "What's up, baby?"

"I need you to be honest with me. If you aren't, then I don't think we can go tonight." She turns around, facing me with a sad look on her face.

"I'm always honest with you, honey." I sit on the edge of our bed, awaiting her response.

"You're so sweet." Her eyes well up with tears, her emotions giving me whiplash for the twentieth time today.

"Oh no, honey, don't cry." I stand up placing both of my hands on the sides of her face.

I watch as she attempts to suck back the tears, but it doesn't work. She stares at me with watery eyes and a quivering lip, breaking my heart. "D-Does this d-dress make me f-fat?"

I allow my eyes to rake down her body, staring at the way her dress hugs her bump perfectly. "Not at all baby, you look beautiful."

"You think I look fat!" She cries, pulling away from me.

"No I don't!" I pull her by her wrist, tugging her into my chest and cradling her head. "You are the most beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, ethereal being that has ever walked this earth. Somehow the baby inside of you just makes you all that more beautiful, it should be illegal."

"You mean it?" Her voice shakes as she speaks, full of emotion.

"More than baby, more than." I kiss the top of her head gently.


"There's mommy and daddy! Nice of you to show up!" Mitch exclaims as we walk into the loft.

"Don't call us that, Mitch, it's weird." Lorelai's face scrunches up in disgust, walking straight towards the couch.

Mitch catches me by the neck before I can walk any further, shaking me a bit in his hold. "You know when the baby's coming yet? I'm so excited to be an uncle!" He slurs on his words, and I'm guessing the beer in his hand is definitely not his first.

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