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{"Met her once and wrote a song about her"}


April 26th


I don't ever want to leave my bed again.

Last night was painful and hard to do, but I knew it's what would be best in the long run. Seeing the hurt in his eyes is something I don't think I'll ever forget. The desperation in his tone to try and change my mind. Walking away last night was harder than getting the words out. Staring into the empty hallway between our rooms, somehow even more heartbreaking.

My room is colder. I know that we'd been distant for a couple days leading up to last night, but I still felt him close to my heart. Now that I've broken his, all his warmth has left with him.

Don't get me wrong, I care so deeply for Harry. He made mistakes and was inconsiderate at times, but he was also such a light in my life for that short amount of time. He helped me when I was at my lowest, tending to my wounds and broken heart. Building me back together piece by piece, I don't think I could ever express the amount of gratitude I have for him.

I had to end whatever was going on because of my own issues. We wanted different things at different times. I was dragging him down by not being able to be the person he wanted me to be. Hurting him everyday by forcing him to do something he didn't want. It was the right decision, but the ache in my chest attempts to convince me I made a mistake.

I didn't sleep a wink.

I was tossing and turning in my bed all night, fighting with myself to get out of bed and apologize to Harry. I only gave that idea up when the sun started to rise. Now I lie in my bed, exhausted as ever but not being able to fall asleep.

My phone chimes from inside my purse and I groan while rolling over to grab it. The small screen illuminates my face with a message from Faye. She said that she is on her way with great news.

Two seconds later, three soft knocks land on my door. I groan in response, letting whoever is on the other side know that it's okay to come in. The door creaks open and Faye's glowing face walks through, confusing me deeply.

"How the hell did you get here so fast?" I question, sitting up in my bed.

"Oh, I didn't tell you?" I shake my head. "Zayn and I have been hooking up for a couple days, nothing serious."

My jaw falls straight onto the floor, my eyes wide and my eyebrows scrunched together. "What?!" I yell.

"Yeah." She smiles brightly, nodding her head.

"Is that the 'great news' you wanted to tell me?"

"No, but yes, but no. My dad wants to meet with Painted Lady tonight!" She squeals.

"Oh." I mutter.

"What? Isn't that exciting!"

"No, yeah, yeah it is. Sorry the past twenty-four hours has just been a bit of a blur."

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I ended things with Harry last night." I tell her, having already filled her in on our situationship.

"Oh no, babe." She pouts. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just kinda sucks y'know?"

"I know, but hey, he's probably just as broken up about it as you."


I'm startled awake by kitten-like kisses being planted all over my face. I jolt in surprise, knocking my forehead into something. My eyes shoot open, seeing Caroline rubbing her own forehead with her eyes pressed together tightly.

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