Chapter 18

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There was only one thing Dj requested.

To see Mira, before anything happens. Steve drove quickly, quicker than he ever had before.

"We're here. Dj... C'mon."

Mira quickly stood up and went to the window to see who the hell was there, and she definitely didn't think it would be her best friend.

"Dj!" She gave her friend a hug and quickly let them and everyone else in.

"What are you guys doing, and what's Dj doing here?"

Mira frowned when she noticed Dj's tear stained cheeks, and they weren't talking just hanging their head down low.

"Uh, Mira..." Steve started, looking at Dj with tears in his eyes.

"I-I'll tell her. Mira, I'm- I'm cursed. We figured this thing out, I die today- anytime now- I can just-"

"What? No- no- Dj, that's-"

"The victims- they- they start to have headaches, their noses bleed, nightmares, trouble sleeping, waking up in a cold sweat, and then- and then hallucinating. Everyone died in 6 days of headaches. It's MY sixth day." Dj said, stuttering over their words.

"No- What? Stop. Stop. No. Don't- don't say that-" Mira said with tears in her own eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's true. I- I die tomorrow." Max stated.


"Mira. I love you. You're- you're amazing. You've been my best friend since- well since middle school. I don't want you to be sad over me- and hey maybe-"

Mira hugged Dj tightly, almost suffocating them.

"I love you Dj. You're the best friend I've ever had. You'll- you'll be fine."

"I want you to have this."

Dj handed her an envelope, and their necklace, along with some stupid note they passed around in middle school.

"It's uh.. it's almost 12." Dustin interrupted, his own voice breaking.

Dj was the groups best friends, and then Dj turned to Eddie.

"Look, even if I don't know you that well.." Dj went closer to Eddie's ear.

"She loves you. Go for it." Dj winked.

Mira hugged her brother tightly this time, hanging onto him for dear life.

"We uh.. we should probably go now, Dj."

He didn't want Mira to go through the pain of having to witness her best friend dying right infront of her.


Mira went over to them, and noticed Dj's eyes rolled into the back of their skull.

"Dj. No, no, no." Mira cried out, sobbing and holding onto them, clutching their shoulders tightly.

Eddie froze. He didn't know chrissy that well, and he was scared and traumatized, but Mira was Dj's best friend, it would hurt far worse.

Eddie grabbed her, picking her up and throwing her on his shoulders.

She thrashed in his hold, begging him to let her go while sobbing, ruining his jacket in the process.

She clutched the letter in her hand tightly.

She gave up at this point, gave up fighting and just cried.

Eddie's heart broke, and Mira cried into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He muttered.

But Mira gave no response as he laid her down on Ricks bed, thinking she deserved better than the grass outside or tree stump.

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