Chapter 17

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Max opened the door to Ms. Kelleys office, while Dj, Dustin, and Steve followed behind her.

"It's like a mini- watergate or something. Hawkinsgate."

Max went through the files, looking for Chrissy specifically.

"Didn't those guys get caught?"

"Holy shit." Max said.

"You found it?"

"Yeah, and not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing Ms. Kelley too."

"Thats a bit suspicious.." Dj said.

"Agreed." Steve muttered.


Jason opened the trunk to his car, grabbing some things and running to find him.

"So, if Sinclairs right, the freak is hiding here." He said, marking an X in the dirt. They planned it out before.

"We move through the woods here togeteher, then Patrick and Andy, you split up. Go around this way. Me and Sinclair, we keep going. Then we flank his ass from both sides. That freak wont know what hit him."

"Wait- wait- What if- what if someone else Is there with him? Like... like another victim?" Lucas said, worried about Mira and hoping that nothing would happen to her. He tried to lie.

"Then we save them. We wont let him get away with someone else."

The four of them went through the woods, Andy and Patrick then separated from Lucas and Jason.


Max looked through both files, noting the similarities.

Dj also looked through along with Max, and their heart sunk.

Dj zoned out then Max did the same, and the others seemed to notice.

Both of their eyes were rolled to the back of their heads.

"Dj? Max? Steve, And Dustin called out. But they didn't hear the others and rather heard a loud clock chime.

Dj turned around when Vecna called out their name, or rather their dead name.

No one knew Dj's deadname. And they changed their name a while ago, Dj was a nickname sure but whoever was calling for them clearly didn't even use their legal name, instead their deadname.

As if this creature was meant to hurt Dj, emotionally and physically.

That's exactly what it was.

Dj went into the hallways, following the clock noises.

Max went the same way, they couldn't see each other.

They both now stood infront of a clock in the wall, Dj went closer and  Max went closer.


Nancy and robin quickly go inside of the school, running through the halls.

"It was here." Dj said.

"I saw it at the same exact place." Max said.

"A grandfather clock?" Nancy asked the both of them.

"It was..." Dj tried to find the words.

"It was so real.." 

"And then when I got closer, suddenly I just..."

"Snapped out of it." Dj finished.

"It was like they were both in a trance or something. Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy."

"That's not even the bad part. Fred and Chrissy they both came to Miss Kelley for help. Uh, they were both having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then...then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. They'd wake up in a cold sweat. Then they started seeing things."

"Bad things. Things from their past." Dj realized.

"Exactly. These visions, they just... they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually...everything ended."

"Vecnas curse." 

"Chrissy's headache started a week ago. Fred's, six days ago. I've been having them for five days."

"Wait.. so that means today is my sixth day." Dj muttered.

Everyone turned their heads to face Dj.

"For Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And we both just saw that goddamn clock, so..."

Dj ran their hands through their hair, tears falling down.

"Looks like I'm dying today." Dj exclaimed. Throwing their hands in the air and putting their knees to their chest and sobbing.

"And I'm dying tomorrow."

A distant clang was heard, and Steve went out.

"Hey. Hey. Dj.. it's fine, you'll be fine, okay?"

"I won't. How the fuck are we supposed to figure this out in a few hours."

"Does anyone have a pen or paper?" They sniffled.

"Why?" Robin asked.

"Well, if I'm gonna die. Might as well say all my feelings. I need to say bye to Mira, even if it is in some stupid letter. He can kill me at any time. Hell he could kill me right now!"

"Hey. Your not gonna need to, you'll be there with her, okay?" Nancy tried

"Just please, Nance."

Nance looked around the room and grabbed some paper and a pen.

Dj wrote quickly on a few papers. They tried to get everyone down.

Dj and Mira were with the gang through thick and thin, even way before all the upside down shit. Wether they played D&D with everyone, or some other stupid shit.

Dustin shakily took the paper, along with everyone else.

"Don't open them. Only open them if-"

"Yeah. Yeah we won't. Promise." Tears welled in Dustin's eyes slightly and he gave Dj a little too tight of a hug.

Then they all went out to see what the hell Steve was doing.

Dj held Steve's note with shaking hands, perhaps it was a bad idea to give him the note. Maybe I overshared. Dj thought.

Footsteps could be heard approving, Steve raised the lamp he had in his hands.

They all yelled as someone popped out. It was just Lucas.

"It's me!"

"Lucas?" Nancy said.

"It's me."

"Jesus, what's wrong with you Sinclair?!"

"I'm sorry."

"I could've taken you out with this lamp!"

"Sorry guys, sorry I was biking for 8 miles."  He panted.

"We've got a code red."

"What?" Dj and Steve said at the same times.

"Dustin. I've been with Jason, Patrick and Andy and they've Gone totally off the rails. They're trying to capture Eddie and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger."

"All right. Yeah, that definitely sucks but we have bigger problems than Jason now."

Dustin looked over to Max and Dj.

Lucas looked over to where Dustin looked.

"Uh. I- uh- wanted you two to have these. I made them quickly, just don't open them unless-" Dj started to Lucas and Steve.

"Don't say that." Steve interrupted.


"Don't. You'll be fine."

"Steve. If I don't make it out in time to say bye to. Mira, give this to her. Promise me you will. Please Ste-"

"I will. Promise." He said, tears welling in his own eyes now, he wiped them away quickly.

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