Chapter 21

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Robin and Nancy's car pulled up to Pennhurst Mental hospital. They stepped out of the car, Robin walked sideways in her heels she definitely wasn't used to wearing.

"I can't breathe in this thing, and I'm itchy. I'm itching all over." Robin complained.

"It's not all about comfort. Okay? We're academics."

"Who are evidently coming straight from the Easter Brunch. Also this bra that you gave me is really pinching my boobs."

"Okay. Could you just let me do the talking? If that's even possible."

"It's not only possible, it's inevitable because shortly I'll die from strangulation."


Mira and Eddie had walked back into Ricks house after more talking about stupid shit on their walk.

Now they plopped down on the couch, Mira's legs sat comfortably on Eddie's lap while they both sat comfortably watching tv.

Not much else to do I suppose.

After about 40 minutes Mira spoke, breaking the silence between the two.

"Hey, Ed's." Mira asked, now turning to look at him.

"Mhm?" He said, still looking at the tv.

"Do you- I don't know.. do you feel bad? I just- I don't know. I just feel bad for leaving Dj there.. and just letting them die-" she looked down, playing with her hands and trying not to cry again for what felt like the 100th time today.

He now looked at her, now fully paying attention.

"No. Mira, it's not your fault. You can't keep blaming yourself for everything. Okay? Dj loved you, I could see that with every visit to your job. You two laughed, talked and I don't think I've ever seen you two get mad at each other."

Tears welled in her eyes now once again, and she was unable to keep them in.

She just took her legs off his lap and threw her arms on his shoulders, she now sat on his lap, and she gripped his shoulders tightly and sobbed into his chest.

"I'm sorry. Sweetheart, I'm Always here for you."

"I know." She mumbled into his chest, he kissed the top of her head and carried her.

"Your really light." He laughed, trying to lighten the mood and make her laugh.

she laughed, her laugh slightly broken by her now calmed down cries.

"No I'm not!"

"Mhm. You keep telling yourself that." He mumbled, smiling softly when he got into the bed he placed her into and she instinctively cuddled into him.

"Love you." She mumbled, too sleepy to even realize what she said.

His eyes widened slightly, and then he chuckled when he realized she was sleeping.

"Love your more."


After a bit of convincing from Robin, going on a rant about how girls were treated differently in most lines of work. It was true for the time.

She remembered exactly how her and Mira had this talk.

Mira laid on her brothers bed, waiting for him to come home while also stealing his friend away from him.

Robin laid next to her, the two talking about random stuff.

"God- I just really hate men sometimes you know? The other day some guy told me to 'name three songs' because I was wearing a fucking Dio shirt. This was in work so I couldn't just say 'Fuck off dickhead.' I literally just named 3 songs off the top of my head. Such a dick man. Thankfully Eddie literally just flipped him off, the guy got scared and ran."

Mira laughed at the memory.

"Wow. That is absolutely ridiculous. I mean, it's like 'oh you're a girl so you can't listen to the same music I listen to because I'm a guy!' "

"Exactly! It's so fucking stupid."

Now Robin would definitely be lying if she said that Mira wasn't her crush after Tammy Thompson. But that was a while ago, and now she's moved onto Vicky.


Steve, Max, Dustin and Lucas made their way to her trailer.

"This better be fast, Mayfield." Steve said as she got out of the car.

"20 seconds." She said

She ran up to the door, and opened it.

"That things got batteries doesn't it?" Steve asked Dustin.

"I'm not even answering that question." Dustin shook his head.

"Yes it has batteries."

"Yeah I got it."

Max put the letters on the table, they were all organized.

She got up and then saw her mom hanging up laundry outside. She looked outside, thinking if she should go she her mom, even if she would probably break down.

Max went over to her mom.


"Hey, sweetie. I thought you were with your friends today."

"Yeah, I... I was. I am. Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Oh, mr. Bradley let me off early. So im just catching up on some chores."

"Um, I... I left some letters inside. For you and... and granny and uncle jack. And dad. If you can find him."

"Letters? I... I don't understand?"

"Uh, I with all the murders and everything, I...I know it's stupid but I just started to think, what if something happens to me?" It was kinda hard to explain to your mom you were probably gonna die today.

"Max, baby, nothing is going to happen to you."

"I know. But if it did, I just- there's so many things that I want to say, that I need to say. And.. just promise me you'll give the letters out?"

"Max, you're scaring me."

"I'm not trying to scare you."

"Is something going on?"


"Is it baby?"

"No. No you're right. I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm being silly."

"Max, oh, sweetie." Her mom pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay. Nothing is going to happen, baby. I promise."

A rumbling that sounded like thunder could be heard, and weird noises as the sky went darker.

"Nothing you don't deserve." Her mom said in a dark voice, causing Max to look up and she saw dark clouds, blood on the clothes her mom was hanging up, and her mom wouldn't let her go.

"Mom, let go of me. Mom? Let go."

"Maxine." She- or rather he since it was Vecna, said darkly, his long fingernails going through her hair.

"You think some letters are going to make things right? You've broken everything. Your time is almost at an end."

She looked up at Vecna, hearing the clock chime.

"Let go!"  She said, pushing away and then she fell onto the hard ground, the sky was normal and not dark anymore, and the clothes were normal.

Max went back to car, breathing heavier.

"Hey that was longer than 20 seconds. Hey, whoa whoa. You all right?" Steve said, worried as he saw her panicked face.

"I'm fine just drive." She said, getting into the car.

"Did something happen?" Dustin asked.

"Can we please just go?"

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