The Winter Cup. (Part 1)

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Disclaimer: I don't own characters or images, just my OCs.

Note: this is an older, and less angsty story I've had on Quotev for a while and thought it would be a nice addition to the mix. The quality probably won't be as good, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Shadow's POV

I glanced at the clock inside of the office for the twelfth time. If I don't leave soon, I might miss my chance before the storm hits. I caught Rouge's eyes sneaking a peak at me, and I quickly changed my point of focus.

"Got a date or something, handsome?" she asked, and I held in a laugh. She was always so quick to assume everything was love related.

"No," I answered curtly and proceeded to organize my finished paperwork. She didn't believe me.

"Well then why have you been staring at that clock for the past two hours? Going somewhere?"

"No," I answered again and smirked when she groaned with frustration. She hated it when I gave short answers, but I inwardly enjoyed seeing her try to wrestle information out of me.

"Then why the hurry?"

"Because I've been trapped in GUN Headquarters for the past nine hours, and I'm ready to get out of here," I told her, and I knew that was true. I was ready to get out of here, get to Ice Peak, feel the wind in my face and the hard-packed snow under my board...

"Hello? Earth the Shadow? Are you there? Our shift is over. You can clock out now."

I stood so fast it caused some of my papers to go airborne, and I strode out of our shared workspace. The clicking of her heels told me she wasn't far behind. I was just about to sign myself out, but a stern voice stopped me.

"Agent Shadow, my office," Commander Towers ordered. I sighed and backtracked to his office, and I heard Rouge scoff. I stepped inside the large, spotless room and found my superior sitting at his desk with a mug of steaming coffee.

"Please, take a seat," he offered, and I obliged. I had a feeling I knew what this was about.

"Coffee?" he asked and motioned towards the coffee maker with a full pot on a separate table.

"No, thank you, sir," I replied.

"Well then, straight to business, I guess. Are you leaving tonight?"

"Yes, I'll be leaving soon. A storm is supposed to come in, and I want to make it to the rest stop before it hits," I explained. Besides myself, Commander Towers was the only one who knew my secret, and for many reasons. He was my only friend from the Ark that was still alive, as well the one who helped me the first time I went to Ice Peak. He chuckled.

"Very fitting, considering the name you've made for yourself, Stormchaser."

I smirked and crossed my arms, "I didn't choose the name. It was given to me."

"Yes, yes, well. You know the drill."

"I leave here saying I've been assigned a new mission as a cover for me to get to Ice Peak," I replied. He scratched his chin in thought.

"I still don't see why you simply don't tell your friends that you're going on vacation. It's perfectly normal for people to do that sort of thing."

"I'm the Ultimate Lifeform, and I know it sounds like a poor excuse at this point, but it's true. I'm not supposed to need a vacation. And if the others knew of my...reputation on the ice, they could use it against me. I know for a fact that faker--I mean, Sonic, would find a way to make it all sound like a ridiculous hobby."

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