Dark Planet (Part 1)

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Disclaimer: I don't own characters or images! Also, some knowledge of the events of Shadow Fall may be helpful to fully understand.

Part 1: The Debriefing

Third Person POV

Shadow, Rouge, and Omega walked into the large conference room at GUN HQ. Commander Towers stood in the front of the room with the large computer screen behind him. He was serious, as always, but he also seemed a bit on edge.

The two mobians took their seats on the front row, while the massive robot stood on the end. The first was Shadow the Hedgehog, an expiremental Lifeform created over fifty years ago but was now a hero and devoted agent. The other mobian was Rouge the Bat, high-class jewel thief and agent-on-loan. She also happened to be Shadow's assigned partner on most, if not almost all missions. The large robot idling beside them was E-123 Omega, one of Dr. Eggman's killer machines that went rogue and joined the heroes. These three made up Team Dark, GUN's most elite special ops corpse.

The humans that filed in behind them made up the Spider Troupe, Team Dark's unofficial rivals in everything. Their leader, Captain Andrews, personally had a deep grudge against Shadow that he made very clear every chance he got, whether it be through openly mocking him or more discreet threats. The dark hedgehog never quite understood his drive to humiliate him, other than assuming that he was a bully or that he was mad Team Dark was the number one group in the agency.

"I wonder what the Commander is going to go on about this time," Rouge whispered to her partner. Shadow shrugged nonchalantly. From the planet being broken apart, alien warships, and Sol Emeralds, it could literally be anything at this point.

"Attention, agents," their supior began, drawing all eyes to him, "a signal was picked up by one of our satellites exactly 9 hours ago. So far, it has not been decrypted, but we were able to pinpoint its original location."

The screen behind him turned on to reveal a reddish-brown planet that looked completely barren, save for a few craters and many large mountains. However, large portions of its surface were hidden by dark storm clouds. Shadow leaned in closer, immediately intrigued.

"I am assigning Team Dark to this mission. Your objective is to find out where the signal came from. If there is any other types of life, I would advise you to not engage them until we know if they are an ally or a threat. If they are hostile, or if they have plans against Earth, you have permission to destroy them on sight."

Omega threw his robotic claws in the air, clearly excited, "Please be hostile! Destroy! Destroy!"

Rouge pinched the bridge of her nose, "Omega, you're grating on my ears again," she said, more to get him quiet than anything else. He lowered his arms.

"I did not mean to injure your sensitive hearing organs."

"Apology accepted," she smirked then motioned for their leader to continue.

"Team Dark will be given an escort by Spider Troupe. They will fly you to the planet and drop you off at the designated rendezvous point. The flight is approximately two hours. You will then be given three weeks to complete your objective before they return. If you require back-up, your communicators should be able to reach us. You are to radio in anything you find that could be of importance. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," they all saluted. Shadow inwardly groaned. That would be two hours with Captain Andrews and his nonstop, degrading chatter. He could barely stand it on the last mission the two groups joined on.

"One last thing before you are dismissed. Sonic and a few members of his group will be joining Team Dark on this mission."

Shadow restrained an annoyed growl, but kept his voice level, "With all due respect Commander, Team Dark is more than capable of handling this assignment without outside help."

Towers looked at him with a tiny hint of sympathy. It was no secret how much the two rivaling hedgehogs fought each other. "Unfortunately, this wasn't my call. This came straight from the president himself. They are going simply as an assistance group. Your team will be leading the mission."

"Sounds more like he doesn't trust us," Rouge commented nonchalantly.

Andrews smirked, "Well, with what happened the last time you three were in space, I don't blame him. Remember that Shadow, or is your amnesia still messing with your head?"

The obsidian male's anger was close to boiling point, but he managed to keep his posture and tone as restrained and controlled as possible. "If you're trying to pick a fight, forget it. There's no time for it. Is there anything else, Commander?"

"No, you will be leaving tomorrow morning, so I would advise all of you to rest up. You're all dismissed."

The group of soldiers and agents saluted and left the room. As Shadow worked his way to the door, he felt Andrews's boot collide with his shin, which made him faceplant into the floor. The human and a few of his friends snickered, while Rouge helped him up quickly.

"Getting a little clumsy, hedgehog?" the captain asked with a smirk. Shadow growled, and his ears pinned back against his skull. His mind instantly began to devise at least twelve different ways to kill him on the spot, but he took in a deep breath instead. Following that trail would get him nowhere.

"I don't know. There was a certain idiot who couldn't walk in a straight line. Feeling dizzy, captain?"

Topaz, the only human besides the commander who didn't have it out for Shadow, quickly stepped in.

"Guys, at least try to get along. We'll be on the same flight for two hours tomorrow, and I don't want to hear you two going at it the whole time."

Shadow nodded, and he resumed his normal composure. He actually didn't mind Topaz and would prefer to stay on her good side. Andrews noticed him back down and grinned.

"Awe, isn't that cute. Her favorite lap dog actually obeys her every order," he teased and leaned over him, "Is she gonna give the wittle puppy a treat?"

"You still sound like an idiot when you talk like that," Shadow scoffed and crossed his arms, his crimson gaze glaring deep into Andrews's taunting blue eyes, but that was as far as his hostility extended. Unlike Andrews, he had a standard that he had to act by. He couldn't lash out, or he could possibly be seen as a world threat once again. And the last thing he wanted was to have to be put back in stasis. No one else knew, but that remark cut deeper than he let on. On the Ark, many scientists called him similar names like "mutt" or "lap dog." So with an annoyed grunt, he turned and left the room, not satisfying the astonished captain with a response.

"Hey! Don't turn your back on me!"

Shadow looked over his shoulder with a devilish smirk, "Then try to keep up."

As the debriefing room cleared, the Commander stood alone and let out a deep sigh. He was the only one who remembered the old Shadow, having grown up on the Ark with him. He could remember the wounds the other workers caused, and he knew that even Shadow could be affected by their words. In fact, he was shocked that the mobian hadn't snapped Andrews's neck. In all honesty, he would completely understand if he did.

"Is everything all right, sir?" Topaz asked, and he nodded.

"Yes. I just think I'm starting to regret pairing their teams together."

She laughed, "Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea, but at least they won't be with each other the whole time."

                           "Thank Chaos."

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