Shadows of the Past (Part 7)

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The memory took much longer to come into focus, and when it did, it showed an older Gerald Robotnik curiously fussing over something at his lab table. Modern Shadow leaned over the professor's shoulder and studied the formula he was struggling to develop. For the first few moments, there was complete silence, save for the occasional rambling coming from the elderly human.

The metal door suddenly slid open to find a young but slightly more aware Ultimate Lifeform. He entered the lab with a stride familiar to the other freedom fighters. His face held the same serious gaze they were used to, although it lacked the typical "I hate all of you" vibe.

"Professor, where is Maria? She promised to go on a walk with me today. Is she all right?" he asked in a tone the others hadn't heard. In the past, his voice had an almost childlike and innocent quality, and his present version had a smooth, yet deadly edge. This was the voice of a polite hedgehog that had a firm grasp on manners and respect. It also held a slight accent they couldn't quite pinpoint.

Gerald looked away from his work and rubbed a sweaty hand over his face, "I'm sorry, Shadow. Maria's sickness took a bit of turn earlier this morning. She has been instructed to stay in bed for the rest of day."

Young Shadow's ears folded flat against his skull before he raised them again, "Since this morning? Why wasn't I told?"

"Shadow," the man started slowly, "You may be her best friend, for which I am grateful, but you are also her cure and a project still under development. And while I am happy you two have become as close as you are, I need you to understand that there will be times like these where you might be separated for some period of time. She needs a lot of rest, which can be difficult for her when there are others in the room with her. You, in particular."

The young project's face fell, and he nodded, "I...understand, sir. I'll leave you to your work."

"Thank you, Shadow," he replied and stared after him as he left the room, "I hate to tell him that these instances will only become more common," he sighed, "If I can't find this cure soon... The secret lies in you somewhere, Shadow. I just haven't figured it out yet."

The scene glitched for only a few seconds before it settled to reveal Shadow standing outside of an all too familiar door. The hybrid almost looked like he was debating with himself, knowing that he would be going against his creator's orders if he went inside that room. Slowly, he raised his fist and lightly tapped on the door. There was a dry cough and a reply to come in. He opened the door, and he, along with the time travellers, entered the small bedroom. Lying on the bed beside the only window was Maria. Her face was a ghostly pale, and her normally luscious gold hair was stringy and knotted. Tired baby blue eyes looked up to meet a pair of soft crimson. This was a very common picture to the older Ultimate Lifeform. He had seen her in that state many times.

"Shadow," she greeted weakly and extended her hand. He took it instantly and sat on the edge of her bed as she continued, "You came. I'm *cough* sorry we couldn't go on a walk today. *Cough cough* I'm just feeling a little tired."

"Don't apologise," he replied sharply, "None of it is your fault."

"Hehe, what brings you here? *cough* I thought you would be with grandfather."

"I saw him, yes, and he told me that you needed a lot of rest right now."

"That sounds like him," she breathed, her eyes becoming heavier by the second. Shadow stood up to leave and give her space, but she gripped his wrist tightly. "Stay," she pleaded, "I need you."

"But the professor said--"

"Please," she whispered, her eyes finally closing, "Please stay with me, Shaddy."

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