Silver Heritage (Part 6)

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      Silver struggled to hold back the laughing fit threatening to burst as he watched his mentor chase Sonic around the house, spewing threats of what he would do once he caught the blue hedgehog. Of course, this only gave the troublesome blur more incentive to stay out of his furious rival's reach, but it was still funny to watch. Short vibrations along his side revealed that Blaze was fighting to hide her amusement as well.

    Omega was cheering his teammate on, and Rouge only rolled her eyes playfully. Knuckles was openly guffawing, while Tails seemed indecisive about whether or not he should help his big brother. Cream, bleary-eyed and confused, sat up and cuddled Cheese as she tried to figure out why her friends were in another one of their speed fights.

     Amy, of course, appeared both upset and over it, but no one could really blame her. Shadow had risked venturing out of his comfort zone, and Sonic had to come and ruin the moment.

    "We should probably stop those two before they destroy the house," Blaze mused.

    Silver sighed, "Yeah, I know. You stay here. I'll take care of it."

    The pale hedgehog reluctantly stood and stretched. After hearing his back give a satisfactory pop, he flexed his hands and activated his telekinesis. It took him a few moments to lock on to the two speedsters, but once he did, he lifted them into the air.

    Sonic pinwheeled in an attempt to find his balance, "Woah! Hey, Silv! Put me down!"

    Shadow only crossed his arms in midair, looking surprisingly dignified for someone stuck a few feet off the ground.

          "Release us, Silver."

   "Sorry," he replied sheepishly, "but I can't do that until you two promise not to destroy the house."

    "Or each other," Amy added. Silver nodded.

   "Or each other," he echoed. The two older hedgehogs groaned.

    "Fine," Sonic submitted. Shadow grunted.

              "I accept your terms."

    Silver breathed a sigh of relief and gently set the two rivals on the ground. Sonic stepped away from the Ultimate Lifeform, who was sending a dark glare in his direction. They stayed true to their word; however, and stopped fighting.

Sonic laughed nervously, "Yeah, that one's on me, guys. Sorry about that."

Shadow voiced his own apology after him, "Forgive my immaturity. Faker brings out the worst in me."

While Silver suppressed his snickering, it was hard to tell if the ebony agent meant his last sentence as a joke. Knuckles snorted, either out of amusement, understanding, or both. Sonic could only roll his eyes.

"Wow, guys. Thanks for the love," he replied in a mocking tone, but his cheesy grin revealed that he had no hard feelings about it. "So what should we do next?"

A/N: Hey guys, I am so sorry that this is so short, but this has been sitting here as a draft for ages, and I didn't want to hold it away from you anymore.

Hopefully I'll be able to get the ball rolling again. I'm going to be honest though, it's been a while since I've looked at this story and I am open to any suggestions on where to go from here. So please, feel free to let me know!

Thank you so much for your patience! Love you all, and Happy New Year!!

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