Shadow's Story: Part 1

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  I wrote this a long time ago, so it may not be as good as some of my other stuff, and it follows more closely to the cutscenes. This was part of a collab I did on Quotev. If you wanna check it out it's called "Fixing Sonic 06: The Epic Trilogy."

Location: Secret Facility in the Northern Hemisphere

    The dark night air was quiet, as snow fell in light flakes. Search beacons scanned the forest outside of the base for any intruder that would dare come too close. Government issue robots, which borrowed heavily from Dr. Eggman's design, patrolled the outside perimeter with their guns ready. All was quiet, but it didn't last long. 

     The sound of  hoverskates sliding over the snow caught someone's attention, and suddenly an alarm began to sound, alerting everyone in the compound that a threat had arrived. The robots assembled in a large army surrounding the walls and began firing at the lone figure skating towards them. If one were to look close enough, they could see the fire blazing under his feet and gold bands sparkling around his wrists and ankles in the beacon's light.

    However, the intruder, a black and red hedgehog, wasn't fazed by this attack and easily maneuvered out of the way at a record speed. Rounding the last loop past the trees, he came face to face with the mechanical hoard blocking his path, but he didn't slow down. In fact, he sped straight through them in seconds, and explosions followed him from the robots he dismantled almost instantly. One fired his machine gun at him, but he dodged and used the robot's head as a spring board to leap clean over the wall. With relative ease and agility, he landed cleanly on his feet, as final blast exploded on the other side of the wall. He could worry about the damages later; right now, he had a job to do, one that wasn't related to his work at G.U.N. 

    The ebony hedgehog slid behind a stack of metal barrels, as a white search light scanned over his previous position. He was inside the base, so close to his goal, but his attention was diverted by a quick beeping followed by static. His glanced down at the communicator on his wrist and held back a sigh as the G.U.N. dispatcher spoke through the radio.

    "Transmission from HQ. There's an SOS coming from Dr. Eggman's base. Our last communication with our agent was 26 hours ago. We expect an immediate rescue, Shadow the Hedgehog."

    He nodded grimly, as his plans flew clean out into the open air. He knew who the distressed agent was, having only spoken to her almost two days ago, before she departed for her mission.

    His baritone voice cut through the night air, "Understood. Initiating the mission now."

     With one last look towards the center of the compound, he teleported in a flash of blue light. Rouge, he thought, What did you get yourself into this time?

27 Hours Previously

   Shadow watched as his partner and, dare he say, friend began to strut towards the G.U.N. truck that would deliver her to the drop off point. She was a white bat dressed in a tight black jumpsuit with a heart-shaped pink breastplate and high-heeled boots with the same heart tips. Her turquoise eyes winked playfully in his direction, and he proceeded to roll his ruby orbs at the gesture. 

     "It's foolish, you know, to go on this mission alone," he reminded her. Rouge sauntered past him, one of her midnight wings brushing against his shoulder. 

    "Don't worry, handsome, I can take care of myself," she reassured him, "I was an uncatchable thief before we met, you know. I think I can handle one little stealth mission all by myself without my big, tough partner to protect me," she laughed. He wasn't as amused.

    "The doctor's been too quiet lately. I don't like the idea of you going in alone."

         Rouge brushed him off knowingly. At this point, it was all routine. "I'll be fine, hun. I'll call you if I get into any trouble, all right? For a guy who doesn't like anybody, you can be so overprotective sometimes."

         Shadow rolled his eyes. He didn't think he was being overprotective, just cautious. But maybe she had a point. "Okay," he sighed, " just don't get into too much trouble without me."

    She mock saluted with a smirk as she walked towards the idling truck, "Don't worry, I'll save some for you."

    Once the car was gone, Shadow let out a deep sigh he didn't realize he was holding. Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. 


    Shadow smirked as he arrived at Eggman's newest base, "Rouge, I told you so," he said as he skated towards his new mission. To rescue Rouge the Bat.

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